12 free tools for API design, development, and testing
The rise of RESTful APIs has been met by a rise in tools for creating, testing, and managing them. Whether you’re a newbie building your first API, or an expert racing an intractable deadline, you have a gamut of services to help you bring your API from concept to production. Many of them won’t cost you a dime. Following is a sampling of free
How to build an Open Source Project – Johan Eliasson – Nhost
Francesco Ciulla Find Francesco ➡️ http://francescociulla.com How to build an Open Source Project – Nhost Nhost Site: https://
psymetadata: An R Package Containing Open Datasets from Meta-Analyses in Psychology
Journal of Open Psychology Data Latest Articles
We present 22 open-source datasets from meta-analyses in psychology. These data span areas such as social, developmental, and cognitive psychology, among others. These datasets are useful for two main purposes: (1) for demonstrative use in the teaching of meta-analysis techniques and (2) the illustration of novel statistical methods in journal art
Why “sudo” when you can just “su”?
DistroTube … AND OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE THAT I USE: Brave Browser – https://brave.com/dis872 📽️ Open Broadcaster Software: … 10:22 … to see more videos about linux and free and open source software subscribe to distrotube over on patreon all right guys peace.

3D-Software: Blender 3.2 schneidet alte Zöpfe ab

Die Entwickler der quelloffenen 3D-Software Blender räumen mit dem Proxysystem und Geometry Nodes auf. Dadurch soll die Software effizienter werden.
Introducing Fuzz Introspector, an OpenSSF Tool to Improve Fuzzing Coverage
Open Source Security Foundation

Authors: Oliver Chang (Google), Navid Emamdoost (Google), Adam Korczynski (ADA Logics), and David Korczynski (ADA Logics) In recent years, many development workflows have come to rely on fuzzing, an automated technique for finding bugs by feeding unexpected inputs into software with the intent to trigger crashes or other problems. Fuzzing pla
Webinar: OSPOs in Action: Ways on How Organizations Drive Open Source Innovation
The Linux Foundation What does it take to establish an Open Source Program Office (OSPO)? This expert-led webinar provides a wealth of insight on …
Check Out the ODSC Europe 2022 Keynotes and Featured Speakers
Stories by ODSC – Open Data Science on Medium

ODSC Europe 2022 is coming fast this June 15th-16th and we couldn’t be more excited to announce our lineup of keynote speakers. This year, there will be a hybrid approach as speakers will be joining us either in-person or virtually. Because of this, ODSC will be able to provide you with even more exciting topics from the leading minds in data scie
The OSI celebrates maintainer month
There are all sorts of people maintaining Open Source software, from developers to quality assurance,… The post The OSI celebrates maintainer month first appeared on Voices of Open Source.
How to add an email account to your ONLYOFFICE deployment
Latest topics for ZDNet in Open-Source
To bring ONLYOFFICE more in line with Google Workspaces, you should add an email account to the platform. Jack Wallen shows you how.
How do I modularize openFDA API requests?
Recent Questions – Open Data Stack Exchange
I’m trying to iterate through an excel sheet and find the NDC of a drug from its generic name in each cell in a column so that I don’t have to manually type in each generic name. This is what I have so far, but the parameter value is not recognized as a valid key. Is there a syntax problem or something else wrong? wrkbk = openpyxl.loa
Huddle: The Untapped Potential of Open Source Culture in the Fight Against Climate Change
Terrado Climate School Tobias Augspurger is the founder of OpenSustain.tech, an open accelerator platform for free and open climate technology.
LibreOffice 7.3.4 Community has been released
Via https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2022/06/09/libreoffice-7-3-4-community/ : “LibreOffice 7.3.4 Community, the fourth minor release of the LibreOffice 7.3 family, targeted at technology enthusiasts and power users, is available for download from https://www.libreoffice.org/download/ ” submitted by /u/DevATee [link]
Microsoft: Die Powertoys laufen nun auf ARM-Computern
Golem.de – Open Source Software

Microsoft portiert die kostenlosen Windows-Tools nun auch für ARM64-Systeme. Damit laufen sie etwa auch auf Windows-on-ARM. (ARM, Microsoft)
Posted by Xen . org security team on Jun 09 Xen Security Advisory CVE-2022-26363,CVE-2022-26364 / XSA-402 version 4 x86 pv: Insufficient care with non-coherent mappings UPDATES IN VERSION 4 ==================== Public release. ISSUE DESCRIPTION ================= Xen maintains a type reference count
PlanetScale – Sam Lambert, Open Source Serverless Database
FLOSS Weekly Sam Lambert, CEO of PlanetScale, joins Doc Searls and Jonathan Bennett to talk about Vitess, his learnings as VP of …

When the World Wide Web made its public debut in the early nineteen-nineties, it fascinated many and struck some as revolutionary, but the idea of watching a film online would still have sounded like sheer fantasy. Yet on May 23rd, 1993, reported the New York Times‘ John Markoff, “a small audience scattered among a few dozen computer
Creative Commons (pls read the rules) Pool

Olgierd Rudak (mountain trips & travels, etc., CC- has added a photo to the pool:
All about GPG, the GNU Privacy Guard
So, a while back I had also forgotten the very same password and was able to recall it somehow but now it seems impossible, I’ve tried a script to recover the password but it keeps prompting the window to input the password. #!/bin/bash # # try all word in words.txt for word in $(cat words.txt); do #echo “Trying ${word}”; # try to decryp
Error while launching my first instance
OpenStack: Open Source Cloud Computing
submitted by /u/genlog1996 [link] [comments]
MediaPortal – An Open Source Windows Media Center for FREE!
Hi, I added some tv shows to My TV Series. It seemed to go fine. I exited and ran mediaportal but when I went to my tv shows I received an error “wrong skin file” and I see none of my shows. I have updated both MP and My TV Series to the latest version but the problem remains. Any advice for me? 2011-10-01 12:31:35.822961 [Info.][MP
Klaytn lays foundation for Metaverse-as-a-Service with key infrastructure partners – PR Newswire
Alternatives to Docker Desktop for Mac?
Docker: An open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
I start to get a REALLY tired of having to completely remove Docker Desktop for Mac every time Kubernetes is forever stuck at “Starting”. I have investigated and searched on Google and have found three things: 1. Nobody knows why this is happening 2. This has been happening for years now 3. The only way to resolve this is a complete wipe
Invitation to the Summer 2022 AMOS Demo Day
Professorship for Open Source Software
On July 27th, 2022, at 10:15 CET, our AMOS student teams will show the results of three months of hard work on eight projects with our industry partners. The demo day is open to the public, but please register to receive the Zoom link the day before.
Forbes retracts attack on paper showing link between glyphosate and cancer

22 February 2019 Forbes has pulled an article by Geoffrey Kabat attacking the new meta-analysis confirming a link between glyphosate and a type of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). The American business magazine, has long been the platform of choice for defending Monsanto’s products and attacking the company’s critics. It was on Forbes

Texas Instruments presenta nuovi processori Sitara AM62 che contribuiscono ad espandere l’elaborazione con Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) per le applicazioni innovative di nuova generazione. Nello specifico, TI presenterà i nuovi processori AM62 dimostrando soluzioni per l’Edge AI e applicazioni HMI per la ricarica di veicoli elettrici, direttamente
European markets close lower as ECB confirms rate hike plans: Stoxx 600 falls 1.3% – CNBC
This is funding open source projects 🤯👩💻 #ad #technology #programming #career #business
Coding with Lewis Link: https://www.nectolabs.io/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=shorts&utm_campaign=lewisjune.
Disputing Chinese Sea Control Through Offensive Sea Mining
NOSI – Naval Open Source Intelligence™
USNI Proceedings – The United States should pursue offensive mining capabilities against China in the Yellow Sea and the Pearl River Delta.
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.8.0: Updates
rOpenSci – open tools for open science
rOpenSci Software Peer Review’s guidance is gathered in an online book that keeps improving! This blog post summarises what’s new in our Dev Guide 0.8.0, with all changes listed in the changelog. Farewell Stefanie Butland After many years of fabulous contributions to the rOpenSci community, Stefanie Butland left the role of community ma
Multirobot_Map_Merge: merged map width and height varies with number of robots.
ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum – RSS feed
Hello fellow Ros developers, i am using the package Multirobot_Map_Merge in order to merge multiple map into one however the width and the height of the final map varies with the number of robots(maps) that are being merged. I assume that this happens due to the different poses that the robots have. For example for 4 robots with poses (0,0), (1,0…