Over the last 18 months MoodleHQ has been working to establish a stronger connection with our community in an effort to provide you with more visibility on the work being completed by our teams and to help ensure our priorities are more in line with your needs.
Part of this work has included the publication of our public roadmap which provides increased visibility on our plans for the future and the issue of our ‘Showcase Short’ news articles, which come out on a regular basis and provide an overview of work being completed by the Moodle HQ Product team.
To further support these efforts, today we are delighted to announce the establishment of a new Product Advisory Group (PAG) for Moodle LMS – Community. This group will join our existing PAG groups, the Moodle Workplace PAG (for Moodle Premium Certified Partners) and the Moodle LMS – Partners PAG (for all Moodle Certified Partners) and will be the first one focused on inviting members of our broader community as participants.
Just like the Partners and Workplace PAGs, we expect that our newest PAG will be incredibly valuable; allowing a wide variety of voices to be heard efficiently and providing input to our roadmap.
The Moodle LMS – Community PAG will be open to all interested parties, and will be focused on several key activities:
Providing a forward view of the existing Moodle LMS Roadmap.
Facilitating the ideation of new initiatives and functionality with direct input from the community to influence the roadmap moving forward.
Gathering early feedback from the community on the design of features under development.
MoodleHQ has been working closely with the Moodle Users Association on the creation of this PAG. Its formation is an initiative which is being completed in partnership with the association and in parallel to the recent change announcement issued by the MUA. (note the link is only available to MUA members).
By establishing the Moodle LMS – Community PAG, all interested MUA members will have an alternative avenue to shape the future of Moodle LMS. As part of the next evolution of the MUA, we hope that it will prove to be as successful as its predecessor, helping to drive many more great initiatives and continue to drive alignment between the community and MoodleHQ into the future.
Over the coming days we will be posting more details about the Moodle LMS – Community PAG , its operation, and meeting schedules. The first of which will be a kick off meeting to disucss further the intent and operation of the Moodle LMS – Community PAG. Additionally a dedicated Community PAG space will be established on I would like to invite any parties who wish to participate to please indicate their interest by responding to the announcement thread here.