Kubernetes taps Sigstore to thwart open-source software supply chain attacks
Latest topics for ZDNet in Open-Source The Kubernetes project takes a step forward in shielding users from supply chain attacks on its users.
Create Views for “recently added series” and “recently watched series”
MediaPortal – An Open Source Windows Media Center for FREE! Hello, I am trying to create a view to display recently added Series. The added date in the online_series table doesn’t seem to be the field I am looking for: series …
Appwrite launches fund to help sustain open source software development – VentureBeat
“open source” – Google News …
Spotify, startups launch funds to support open source maintainers
InfoWorld Open Source Companies large and small are committing funds to support the maintainers of key open source software projects in the wake of high-profile vulnerabilities such as Log4j, Heartbleed, and Shellshock. Despite most software today being underpinned by open source projects, their developers and maintainers are often unpaid volunteers working in their…
SSH GPG agent: How can I select a key to be provided by gpg-agent?
All about GPG, the GNU Privacy Guard Here is my issue: I have 2 github accounts with separate keys. Recently I had to push to my second account so it said max_ishere has no permision to push to other_account. This happens because gpg agent offers a key for max_ishere, it succeeds, but I get permision denied. So GPG has no idea it actually failed. So what I would like to do is tell G…
Free React Next. js Admin Template
Open Source on Reddit Hi Everyone, I am sharing here a latest open source React Admin Template that is based on MUI & Next. js. Materio Free MUI React Next. js Admin Template – is the latest developer-friendly & highly customizable Open Source React Admin Dashboard Template based on MUI & Next. js. It comes with useful features. Besides, the template is n…
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies
ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum – RSS feed Hello, I am trying to install Moveit with the version kinetic, when I type: `frauas@frauas-Kinetic:~/ws_moveit$ rosdep install -y –from-paths . –ignore-src –rosdistro kinetic` I received the error: ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies: franka_example_controllers: Cannot locate r…
Dancing Light
Creative Commons (pls read the rules) Pool

Belfast Lens has added a photo to the pool: A view of Crawfordsburn Beach North Down….
How Postwar Italian Cinema Created La Dolce Vita and Then the Paparazzi
Open Culture

Those who love the work of Federico Fellini must envy anyone who sees La Dolce Vita for the first time. But today such a viewer, however overwhelmed by the lavish cinematic feast laid before his eyes, will wonder if giving the intrusive tabloid photographer friend of Marcello Mastroianni’s protagonist the name “Paparazzo” isn’t a bit …
Anonymisierendes Betriebssystem: Linux-Unterbau von Tails 5.0 erneuert
Linux und Open Source

Die Tails-Entwickler haben das System in Version 5 vor allem in der Bedienung optimiert und viele Tools in aktuellen Versionen implementiert. …
Building a Multi-Container .NET App Using Docker Desktop
Docker: An open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container submitted by /u/ajeetsraina [link] [comments]…
augment/enrich latitude longitude data
Recent Questions – Open Data Stack Exchange I am looking for ways to augment/enrich latitude longitude data, to obtain for example information like this (for the EU/Europe and the UK): I tried some basic Python code to use : import geocoder g = geocoder.osm([45,-75], method=’reverse’) print(g) This returns: <[OK] Osm – Reverse [Ault Drive, Ingleside, South Stormont, Sto…
E-Mail-Client: Thunderbird plant Android-App
Golem.de – Open Source Software

E-Mail-Clients gibt es viele, als Open-Source-App für Android aber nur wenige. Thunderbird will das ändern. (Thunderbird, E-Mail) …
Chatbot per IoT
Elettronica Open Source

Un chatbot è un programma informatico che riesce a replicare una conversazione umana reale su Internet. L’Internet delle Cose (IoT) è un insieme di dispositivi fisici che possono essere rilevati e controllati a distanza attraverso lo scambio di dati e informazioni su una rete esistente. In che modo e perché è conveniente combinare questi due mondi?…
MagPi 117 mit Schwerpunkt Raspberry Pi im Garten einsetzen
Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
Das MagPi 117 ist da und diesmal dreht sich der Schwerpunkt um den Garten. Genauer gesagt wird Dir gezeigt, wie Du mit dem Raspberry Pi einen Smart-Garten erstellen kannst. Ein Bewässerungssystem ist offensichtlich, aber es gibt viel coolere Projekte wie den Farmbot. Mit dem Raspberry Pi die Hitze im Blick haben, ist auch keine schlechte Idee. Wie…
Marine aviation plan invests heavily in digital glue to connect far-flung forces
NOSI – Naval Open Source Intelligence™ Defense News – The U.S. Marine Corps is expanding its vision of connectivity among aircraft and with ground units below, creating local networks to share situational awareness and targeting data even in communications-denied environments. …
The Face Of Misinformation
Open Source Truth

University of Ontario Professor David Fisman, misinformation spreader extraordinaire Professor Fisman and his colleagues at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto are paid to promote the narrative. Their latest study makes the unvaccinated out as the villain and the vaccinated as the heroes. It was widely pick…
May Global Partner Update Call: Need-to-Know Tools & Resources for Your SuccessTIBCO Jaspersoft – Open Source Business Intelligence Software May Global Partner Update Call: Need-to-Know Tools & Resources for Your SuccessAnonymous Tue, 05/03/2022 – 14:01 Tue, 05/31/2022 – 10:30 Tue, 05/31/2022 – 11:30 EDT show-date …
education @ Savannah: Along: an app to collect students’ data for marketing purposes
Planet GNU The nonfree app Along, developed by a company controlled by Zuckerberg, leads students to reveal to their teacher personal information about themselves and their families. Conversations are recorded and the collected data sent to the company, which grants itself the right to sell it. …
How to install Podman support in Cockpit on AlmaLinux 8
Open source | TechRepublic If you’re looking for an easy way to manage your Podman container deployments on AlmaLinux, Jack Wallen believes Cockpit to be one of the simplest solutions. The post How to install Podman support in Cockpit on AlmaLinux 8 appeared first on TechRepublic. …
April 2022 – OpenNebula Newsletter
OpenNebula – Open Source Cloud & Edge Computing Platform

Welcome to our monthly newsletter! 👋 Sign up now to get timely updates on new releases, community events, tutorials, workshops, webinars, cool hacks, and much more! Despite the Easter break, our Engineering Team has been quite busy this month! On April 28th, following the publication of two beta releases in previous weeks, we announ…
Publicplan: Why we support the OSI
Open Source Initiative blogs Since its founding, publicplan has been committed to the concept of open source software. For us, there is no greater good than free information.
Voices of Open Source: Publicplan: Why we support the OSI
Open Source Initiative aggregator Since its founding, publicplan has been committed to the concept of open source software. For us, there is no greater good than free information.
Inscribed and bounding circles in PostGIS
Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings

Today, I’m revisiting work from 2017. In Brezina, Graser & Leth (2017), we looked at different ways to determine the width of sidewalks in Vienna based on the city’s street surface database. Inscribed and circumscribed circles were a natural starting point. Circumscribed or bounding circle tools (the smallest circle to enclose an inp…
Yacht – an Open Source, Self Hosted, Modern, Web GUI for Docker Management similar to Portainer.
Awesome Open Source

======== LINKS ======== Show Notes https://shownotes.opensourceisawesome.com/yacht/ Yacht Github https://github.com/SelfhostedPro/Yacht Yacht Dockerhub https://hub.docker.com/r/selfhostedpro/yacht Support my Channel and ongoing efforts through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=234177 ======== TIME…
Building Better Documentation Practices for Developers, Part 2
Open Source Blog

In Part 1 of this blog series, we discussed the developer-focused “docs as code” system to simultaneously facilitate and enhance contributions and grow a user base throughout the dev cycle. We also heard from VMware’s Staff Technical Writer Alyssa Rock and her steering committee affiliation with The Good Docs Project, a valuable resource that pr…
Yacht – a WebUI for Docker Management
Open Source is Awesome Show Notes If you’re already into self-hosting, and home-labbing (yes, I just made that word up I think), then you have probably used docker at some point. If you have, and you haven’t heard of the great tools out there for Graphical User interface based management of your docker applications, then you are in luck. This article and video show you…