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Author: Michael G
All About Roda With Jeremy Evans | Rubber Duck Dev Show 83
Andy Wingo: structure and interpretation of ark
Hello, dear readers! Today’s article describes Ark, a new
JavaScript-based mobile development platform. If you haven’t read them
yet, you might want to start by having a look at my past articles on
having a common understanding of the design space will help us
understand where Ark is similar and where it differs.
Ark, what it is
If I had to bet, I would guess that you have not heard of Ark. (I
certainly hadn’t either, when commissioned to do this research series.)
To a first approximation, Ark—or rather, what I am calling Ark; I don’t
actually know the name for the whole architecture—is a loosely
Flutter-like UI library implemented on top of a dialect of JavaScript,
with build-time compilation to bytecode (like Hermes) but also with
support for just-in-time and ahead-of-time compilation of bytecode to
native code. It is made by Huawei.
At this point if you are already interested in this research series, I
am sure this description raises more questions than it answers.
Flutter-like? A dialect? Native compilation? Targetting what
platforms? From Huawei? We’ll get to all of these, but I think we
need to start with the last question.
How did we get here?
In my last article on Flutter, I told a kind of just-so history of how
Dart and Flutter came to their point in the design space. Thanks to
corrections from a kind reader, it happened to also be more or less
correct. In this article, though, I haven’t talked with Ark developers
at all; I don’t have the benefit of a true claim on history. And yet,
the only way I can understand Ark is by inventing a narrative, so here
we go. It might even be true!
Recall that in 2018, Huawei was a dominant presence in the smartphone
market. They were shipping excellent hardware at good prices both to
the Chinese and to the global markets. Like most non-Apple, non-Google
manufacturers, they shipped Android, and like most Android OEMs, they
shipped Google’s proprietary apps (mail, maps,
But then, over the next couple years, the US decided that allowing
Huawei to continue on as before was, like, against national security
interests or something. Huawei was barred from American markets, a
number of suppliers were forbidden from selling hardware components to
Huawei, and even Google was prohibited from shipping its mobile apps on
Huawei devices. The effect on Huawei’s market share for mobile devices
was enormous: its revenue was cut in half over a period of a couple
In this position, as Huawei, what do you do? I can’t even imagine, but
specifically looking at smartphones, I think I would probably do about
what they did. I’d fork Android, for starters, because that’s what you
already know and ship, and Android is mostly open source. I’d probably
plan on continuing to use its lower-level operating system pieces
indefinitely (kernel and so on) because that’s not a value
differentiator. I’d probably ship the same apps on top at first,
because otherwise you slip all the release schedules and lose revenue
But, gosh, there is the risk that your product will be perceived as just
a worse version of Android: that’s not a good position to be in. You
need to be different, and ideally better. That will take time. In the
meantime, you claim that you’re different, without actually being
different yet. It’s a somewhat ridiculous position to be in, but I can
understand how you get here; Ars Technica published a scathing
poking fun at the situation. But, you are big enough to ride it out,
knowing that somehow eventually you will be different.
Up to now, this part of the story is relatively well-known; the part
that follows is more speculative on my part. Firstly, I would note that
Huawei had been working for a while on a compiler and language run-time
called Ark
with the goal of getting better performance out of Android applications.
If I understand correctly, this compiler took the Java / Dalvik /
Android Run Time bytecodes as its input, and outputted native binaries
along with a new run-time implementation.
As I can attest from personal experience, having a compiler leads to
hubris: you start to consider source languages like a hungry person
looks at a restaurant menu. “Wouldn’t it be nice to ingest that?”
That’s what we say at restaurants, right, fellow humans? So in 2019 and
2020 when the Android rug was pulled out from underneath Huawei, I think
having in-house compiler expertise allowed them to consider whether they
wanted to stick with Java at all, or whether it might be better to
choose a more fashionable language.
Like black, JavaScript is always in fashion. What would it mean,
then, to retool Huawei’s operating system — by then known by the name
“HarmonyOS” — to expose a JavaScript-based API as its primary app
development framework? You could use your Ark compiler somehow to
implement JavaScript (hubris!) and then you need a UI framework. Having
ditched Java, it is now thinkable to ditch all the other Android
standard libraries, including the UI toolkit: you start anew, in a way.
So are you going to build a Capacitor, a React Native, a NativeScript, a
Flutter? Surely not precisely any of these, but what will it be like,
and how will it differ?
Incidentally, I don’t know the origin story for the name Ark, but to me
it brings to mind tragedy and rebuilding: in the midst of being cut off
from your rich Android ecosystem, you launch a boat into the sea,
holding a promise of a new future built differently. Hope and hubris in
one vessel.
Two programming interfaces
In the end, Huawei builds two things: something web-like and something
like Flutter. (I don’t mean to suggest copying or degeneracy here; it’s
rather that I can only understand things in relation to other things,
and these are my closest points of comparison for what they built.)
The web-like programming interface specifies UIs using an XML dialect,
and styles the resulting node tree with CSS. You augment these nodes
with JavaScript behavior; the main app is a set of DOM-like event
There is an API to dynamically create DOM
but unlike the other systems we have examined, the HarmonyOS
documentation doesn’t really sell you on using a high-level framework
like Angular.
If this were it, I think Ark would not be so compelling: the programming
model is more like what was available back in the DHTML
days. I wouldn’t expect
people to be able to make rich applications that delight users, given
these primitives, though CSS animation and the HML loop and conditional
from the template system might be just expressive enough for simple
The more interesting side is the so-called “declarative” UI programming
model which exposes a Flutter/React-like interface. The programmer
describes the “what” of the UI by providing a tree of UI nodes in its
build function, and the framework takes care of calling build when
necessary and of rendering that tree to the screen.
Here I need to show some example code, because it is… weird. Well, I
find it weird, but it’s not too far from
SwiftUI in flavor. A
small example from the fine
@Entry @Component struct MyComponent { build() { Stack() { Image($rawfile('Tomato.png')) Text('Tomato') .fontSize(26) .fontWeight(500) } } }
The @Entry decorator (*) marks this struct (**) as being the main
entry point for the app. @Component marks it as being a component,
like a React functional component. Components conform to an interface
(***) which defines them as having a build method which takes no
arguments and returns no values: it creates the tree in a somewhat
imperative way.
But as you see the flavor is somewhat declarative, so how does that
work? Also, build() { ... } looks syntactically a lot like Stack() { ... }; what’s the deal, are they the same?
Before going on to answer this, note my asterisks above: these are
concepts that aren’t in JavaScript. Indeed, programs written for
HarmonyOS’s declarative framework aren’t JavaScript; they are in a
dialect of TypeScript that Huawei calls ArkTS. In this case, an
interface is a TypeScript
Decorators would appear to correspond to an experimental TypeScript
looking at the source code.
But struct is an ArkTS-specific
and Huawei has actually extended the TypeScript compiler to specifically
recognize the @Component decorator, such that when you “call” a
struct, for example as above in Stack() { ... }, TypeScript will parse
that as a new expression type
which may optionally be followed by a block. When Stack() is invoked,
its children (instances of Image and Text, in this case) will be
populated via running the block.
Now, though TypeScript isn’t everyone’s bag, it’s quite normalized in the
JavaScript community and not a hard sell. Language extensions like the handling of @Component
pose a more challenging problem. Still, Facebook managed to sell people
on JSX, so perhaps Huawei can do the same for their dialect. More on
that later.
Under the hood, it would seem that we have a similar architecture to
Flutter: invoking the components creates a corresponding tree of
elements (as with React Native’s shadow tree), which then are lowered
to render nodes, which draw themselves onto layers using Skia, in a
multi-threaded rendering pipeline. Underneath, the UI code actually
re-uses some parts of Flutter, though from what I can tell
HarmonyOS developers are replacing those over time.
Restrictions and extensions
So we see that the source language for the declarative UI framework is
TypeScript, but with some extensions. It also has its restrictions, and
to explain these, we have to talk about implementation.
Of the JavaScript mobile application development frameworks we
discussed, Capacitor and NativeScript used “normal” JS engines from web browsers, while
React Native built their own Hermes implementation. Hermes is also
restricted, in a way, but mostly inasmuch as it lags the browser JS
implementations; it relies on source-to-source transpilers to get access
to new language features. ArkTS—that’s the name of HarmonyOS’s
“extended TypeScript” implementation—has more fundamental restrictions.
Recall that the Ark compiler was originally built for Android apps.
There you don’t really have the ability to load new Java or Kotlin
source code at run-time; in Java you have class loaders, but those load
bytecode. On an Android device, you don’t have to deal with the Java
source language. If we use a similar architecture for JavaScript,
though, what do we do about eval?
ArkTS’s answer is: don’t. As in, eval is not supported on HarmonyOS.
In this way the implementation of ArkTS can be divided into two parts, a
frontend that produces bytecode and a runtime that runs the bytecode,
and you never have to deal with the source language on the device where
the runtime is running. Like Hermes, the developer produces bytecode
when building the application and ships it to the device for the runtime
to handle.
Incidentally, before we move on to discuss the runtime, there are
actually two front-ends that generate ArkTS bytecode: one written in
C++ that seems to only handle standard TypeScript and
and one written in TypeScript that also handles “extended
The former has a test262 runner with about 10k skipped
and the latter doesn’t appear to have a test262 runner. Note, I haven’t
actually built either one of these (or any of the other frameworks, for
that matter).
The ArkTS
runtime is
itself built on a non-language-specific common Ark
runtime, and
the set of supported instructions is the union of the core
and the JavaScript-specific
Bytecode can be
JIT-compiled, or AOT-compiled.
On the side of design documentation, it’s somewhat sparse. There are
some core design
readers may be interested in the rationale to use a bytecode
for Ark as a whole, or the optimization
Indeed ArkTS as a whole has a surfeit of optimizations, to an extent
that makes me wonder which ones are actually needed. There are
source-to-source optimizations on
which I expect are useful if you are generating ArkTS bytecode from
JavaScript, where you probably don’t have a full compiler
implementation. There is a completely separate
in the eTS part of the run-time, based on what would appear to be a
novel “circuit-based”
that bears some similarity to sea-of-nodes. Finally the whole thing
appears to bottom out in
which of course has its own optimizer. I can only assume that this
situation is somewhat transitory. Also, ArkTS does appear to generate
its own native code sometimes, notably for inline cache stubs.
Of course, when it comes to JavaScript, there are some fundamental
language semantics and there is also a large and growing standard
library. In the case of ArkTS, this standard library is part of the
like the interpreter, compilers, and the garbage collector
(generational concurrent mark-sweep with optional
All in all, when I step back from it, it’s a huge undertaking.
Implementing JavaScript is no joke. It appears that ArkTS has done the
first 90% though; the proverbial second 90% should only take a few more
years 🙂
If you told a younger me that a major smartphone vendor switched from
Java to JavaScript for their UI, you would probably hear me react in
terms of the relative virtues of the programming languages in question.
At this point in my career, though, the only thing that comes to mind is
what an expensive proposition it is to change everything about an
application development framework. 200 people over 5 years would be my
estimate, though of course teams are variable. So what is it that we
can imagine that Huawei bought with a thousand person-years of
investment? Towards what other local maximum are we heading?
Startup latency
I didn’t mention it before, but it would seem that one of the goals of
HarmonyOS is in the name: Huawei wants to harmonize development across
the different range of deployment targets. To the extent possible, it
would be nice to be able to write the same kinds of programs for IoT
devices as you do for feature-rich smartphones and tablets and the like.
In that regard one can see through all the source code how there is a
culture of doing work ahead-of-time and preventing work at run-time; for
example see the design doc for the
or for the file
or indeed the lack of JavaScript eval.
Of course, this wide range of targets also means that the HarmonyOS
platform bears the burden of a high degree of abstraction; not only can
you change the kernel, but also the JavaScript engine (using
JerryScript on “lite” targets).
I mention this background because sometimes in news articles and indeed
official communication from recent years there would seem to be some
confusion that HarmonyOS is just for IoT, or aimed to be super-small, or
something. In this evaluation I am mostly focussed on the feature-rich
side of things, and there my understanding is that the developer will
generate bytecode ahead-of-time. When an app is installed on-device,
the AOT compiler will turn it into a single ELF image. This should
generally lead to fast start-up.
However it would seem that the rendering
that paints UI nodes into layers and then composits those layers uses
Skia in the way that Flutter did pre-Impeller, which to be fair is a
quite recent change to Flutter. I expect therefore that Ark (ArkTS +
ArkUI) applications also experience shader compilation jank at startup,
and that they may be well-served by tesellating their shapes into
primitives like Impeller does so that they can precompile a fixed,
smaller set of shaders.
Maybe it’s just that apparently I think Flutter is great, but ArkUI’s
fundamental architectural similarity to Flutter makes me think that jank
will not be a big issue. There is a render thread that is separate from
the ArkTS thread, so like with Flutter, async communication with
main-thread interfaces is the main jank worry. And on the ArkTS side,
ArkTS even has a number of extensions to be able to share objects
between threads without copying, should that be needed. I am not sure
how well-developed and well-supported these extensions are, though.
I am hedging my words, of course, because I am missing a bit of social
proof; HarmonyOS is still in infant days, and it doesn’t have much in
the way of a user base outside China, from what I can tell, and my
ability to read Chinese is limited to what Google Translate can do for
me 🙂 Unlike other frameworks, therefore, I haven’t been as able to
catch a feel of the pulse of the ArkUI user community: what people are
happy about, what the pain points are.
It’s also interesting that unlike iOS or Android, HarmonyOS is only
exposing these “web-like” and “declarative” UI frameworks for app
development. This makes it so that the same organization is responsible
for the software from top to bottom, which can lead to interesting
cross-cutting optimizations: functional reactive programming isn’t just
a developer-experience narrative, but it can directly affect the shape
of the rendering pipeline. If there is jank, someone in the building is
responsible for it and should be able to fix it, whether it is in the
GPU driver, the kernel, the ArkTS compiler, or the application itself.
Peak performance
I don’t know how to evaluate ArkTS for peak performance. Although there
is a JIT compiler, I don’t have the feeling that it is as tuned for
adaptive optimization as V8 is.
At the same time, I find it interesting that HarmonyOS has chosen to
modify JavaScript. While it is doing that, could they switch to a sound
type system, to allow the kinds of AOT optimizations that Dart can do?
It would be an interesting experiment.
As it is, though, if I had to guess, I would say that ArkTS is
well-positioned for predictably good performance with AOT compilation,
although I would be interested in seeing the results of actually running
Aside: On the importance of storytelling
In this series I have tried to be charitable towards the frameworks that
I review, to give credit to what they are trying to do, even while
noting where they aren’t currently there yet. That’s part of why I need
a plausible narrative for how the frameworks got where they are, because
that lets me have an idea of where they are going.
In that sense I think that Ark is at an interesting inflection point.
When I started reading documentation about ArkUI and HarmonyOS and all
that, I bounced out—there were too many architectural box
diagrams, too many generic descriptions of components, too many promises
with buzzwords. It felt to me like the project was trying to justify
itself to a kind of clueless management chain. Was there actually
anything here?
But now when I see the adoption of a modern rendering architecture and a
bold new implementation of JavaScript, along with the willingness to
experiment with the language, I think that there is an interesting story
to be told, but this time not to management but to app developers.
Of course you wouldn’t want to market to app developers when your
system is still a mess because you haven’t finished rebuilding an MVP
yet. Retaking my charitable approach, then, I can only think that all
the architectural box diagrams were a clever blind to avoid piquing outside
interest while the app development kit wasn’t ready
yet 🙂 As and when the system starts working well, presumably over the
next year or so, I would expect HarmonyOS to invest much more heavily in
marketing and developer advocacy; the story is interesting, but you have
to actually tell it.
Aside: O platform, my platform
All of the previous app development frameworks that we looked at were
cross-platform; Ark is not. It could be, of course: it does appear to
be thoroughly open source. But HarmonyOS devices are the main target.
What implications does this have?
A similar question arises in perhaps a more concrete way if we start
with the mature Flutter framework: what would it mean to make a Flutter
The first thought that comes to mind is that having a Flutter OS would
allow for the potential for more cross-cutting optimizations that cross
abstraction layers. But then I think, what does Flutter really need?
It has the GPU drivers, and we aren’t going to re-implement those. It
has the bridge to the platform-native SDK, which is not such a large and
important part of the app. You get input from the platform, but that’s
also not so specific. So maybe optimization is not the answer.
On the other hand, a Flutter OS would not have to solve the
make-it-look-native problem; because there would be no other “native”
toolkit, your apps won’t look out of place. That’s nice. It’s not
something that would make the platform compelling, though.
HarmonyOS does have this embryonic concept of app mobility, where like
you could put an app from your phone on your fridge, or something.
Clearly I am not doing it justice here, but let’s assume it’s a
compelling use case. In that situation it would be nice for all devices
to present similar abstractions, so you could somehow install the same
app on two different kinds of devices, and they could communicate to
transfer data. As you can see here though, I am straying far from my
domain of expertise.
One reasonable way to “move” an app is to have it stay running on your
phone and the phone just communicates pixels with your fridge (or
whatever); this is the low-level solution. I think HarmonyOS appears to
be going for the higher-level solution where the app actually runs logic
on the device. In that case it would make sense to ship UI assets and
JavaScript / extended TypeScript bytecode to the device, which would run
the app with an interpreter (for low-powered devices) or use JIT/AOT
compilation. The Ark runtime itself would live on all devices,
specialized to their capabilities.
In a way this is the Apple WatchOS solution (as I understand it);
developers publish their apps as LLVM bitcode, and Apple compiles it for
the specific devices. A FlutterOS with a Flutter run-time on all
devices could do something similar. As with WatchOS you wouldn’t have
to ship the framework itself in the app bundle; it would be on the
device already.
Finally, publishing apps as some kind of intermediate representation
also has security benefits: as the OS developer, you can ensure some
invariants via the toolchain that you control. Of course, you would have to ensure
that the Flutter API is sufficiently expressive for high-performance
applications, while also not having arbitrary machine code execution
vulnerabilities; there is a question of language and framework design as
well as toolchain and runtime quality of implementation. HarmonyOS
could be headed in this direction.
Ark is a fascinating effort that holds much promise. It’s also still in
motion; where will it be when it anneals to its own local optimum? It
would appear that the system is approaching usability, but I expect a
degree of churn in the near-term as Ark designers decide which language
abstractions work for them and how to, well, harmonize them with the
rest of JavaScript.
For me, the biggest open question is whether developers will love Ark in
the way they love, say, React. In a market where Huawei is still a
dominant vendor, I think the material conditions are there for a good
developer experience: people tend to like Flutter and React, and Ark is
similar. Huawei “just” needs to explain their framework well (and where
it’s hard to explain, to go back and change it so that it is
But in a more heterogeneous market, to succeed Ark would need to make a
cross-platform runtime like the one Flutter has and engage in some
serious marketing efforts, so that developers don’t have to limit
themselves to targetting the currently-marginal HarmonyOS. Selling
extensions to JavaScript will be much more difficult in a context where
the competition is already established, but perhaps Ark will be able to
productively engage with TypeScript maintainers to move the language so it
captures some of the benefits of Dart that facilitate ahead-of-time
Well, that’s it for my review round-up; hope you have enjoyed the
series. I have one more pending article, speculating about some future
technologies. Until then, happy hacking, and see you next time.
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