Video by via Dailymotion Source The long term ‘project’ to catch this little guy finally came up trumps today – I’ve been chasing, stalking and hunting this little guy for weeks. Finally after living here on his own for nearly a month, he has a chance now to become a beloved family pet and hopefully…
Author: Michael G
Canva Course Section 37 Presenter View
Video by via Dailymotion Source Canva is a free-to-use web-based design tool. In this course, you will learn the important things you need to know in order to start designing using Canva. In this video lesson, we will learn about Presenter View in Canva You can access the entire Canva Course in the following playlist:…
Minister Gangula Kamalakar Opens IKP Centre | Karimnagar | V6 News
Video by via Dailymotion Source కరీంనగర్ లో IKP సెంకట్లను ప్రారంభించిన గంగుల| V6 News Watch Teenmaar Full Episode • Bandi Sanjay-BJP … శ్రీలంక నుంచి చైనాకు లక్ష కోతులు • Srilanka To Expor… గిన్సీస్ రికార్డు డ్యాన్స్ • Assam Bihu Dance … ఇల్లు ఖాళీ జేశిండు • Rahul Gandhi Vaca… ఎమ్మెల్యేకు గోస చెప్తుంటే.. • Rapole Villagers … లెక్కల్లోనే దళిత బంధు…
8 APPS de Android que deberías DESINSTALAR!
A lo largo de este vídeo os contamos las aplicaciones de Android que deberías eliminar, para así liberar espacio o memoria interna y mejorar la velocidad o rendimiento.
Son aplicaciones en gran parte que prometen optimizar rendimiento, liberar memoria RAM, optimizar recursos y enfriar el móvil.
También son aplicaciones que vienen preinstaladas en el móvil de la mano del fabricante. Entre ellos navegadores, los cuales suelen ir más lentos que Google Chrome o Firefox, o widgets, que son más fácil de eliminar.
Igualmente los reproductores de música, siendo el más recomendable Google Play Music, así como antivirus, los cuales proliferan en la Play Store.
¿Quieres saber cuáles desinstalar? No te pierdas nuestro vídeo.
⭐️ ¡MI EQUIPO de trabajo! ⭐️
#desinstalaaplicaciones #rendimientomovil #liberarmemoriaram #urbantecno
❤️✅ Los móviles MÁS DESTACADOS en AMAZON: ❤️✅
Nick Cannon Open To Having Baby No. 13 With Taylor Swift
Cannon was asked about the idea of having a child with the Grammy winner during a recent interview with Howard Stern.
Cannon said he would be “all in” if Swift wanted to have a child with him and confessed that he thinks she is “an amazing songwriter”.
Cannon also claimed that the pair have had “very similar” dating experiences and he believes that Swift would “relate to me very well”.
gnulib @ Savannah: Gnulib helps you porting to Android
An Android app has a UI written in Java, not on top of a C/C++ based GUI toolkit (GNOME, Qt, KDE, wxWidgets, …). Gnulib cannot help you porting this part of an application to Android.
But when an application has a large part written in C, and you want to reuse this part in the Android app, Gnulib is useful. Recently, Android has been added to the list of portability targets of Gnulib. This means that most of the POSIX functionality that you might use in your application will compile and work fine also on Android.
In particular, the work-in-progress port of GNU Emacs to Android uses Gnulib to its best.
Diamond Dial Bracelet Watch
Video by via Dailymotion Source Sizing Guide Let the light shine on this dazzling Anne Klein watch Stainless Steel. Jewelry clasp closure. Round face. Three-hand analog display with quartz movement. Black dial features rose gold-tone hands, Roman numeral hour markers, minute track, and Anne Klein detailing. Water resistant. Imported. Measurements: Case Height: 28 mm…