Author: Michael G
Quran aur Islam – Naimat e Iftar – Shan e Ramzan – 24th March 2023 – ARY Qtv
Topic: Quran Aur Insan
Host: Sarwar Hussain Naqshbandi
Guest: Dr. Muhammad Tahir Mustafa, Syed Muhammad Faheem Shehzad, Qari Younus Qadri, Hafiz Zeeshan Elahi Sialvi
#ShaneRamzan2023 #NaimateIftar #QuranaurIslam
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Processo Open Arms, Oscar Camps: “Mi aspetto giustizia”
“Penso che non dovremmo permettere che questo continui ad accadere – ha sottolineato – Tutte le vite contano, tutte le alleanze difendono la tutela della vita umana in mare, di ogni vita umana in mare, non solo quella occidentale, ma tutti sono uguali. E non sta accadendo, stiamo stravolgendo le convenzioni internazionali, stiamo pervertendo il diritto marittimo internazionale, e questo è molto grave e deve finire. Speriamo che la giustizia italiana ponga fine a questa situazione”.
Cosa si aspetta da questo processo? “Giustizia – ha risposto Camps – E che si ponga fine una volta per tutte a questo disprezzo per la vita. Il vero problema è proprio la mancanza di aiuti in mare. Lo abbiamo visto nel 2016, lo abbiamo visto nel 2017 e dal 2018 è cambiato tutto. La politica in Italia è cambiata, il governo è cambiato, l’atteggiamento della Guardia Costiera è cambiato e le navi umanitarie sono diventate il grande nemico dell’Italia e sembra che siamo responsabili di tutti i problemi del Paese.
MidCamp – Midwest Drupal Camp: It’s spring in Chicago and MidCamp is almost here🙀
It’s spring in Chicago and MidCamp is almost here🙀
We’ve been busy… so busy we haven’t been able to tell you what’s been happening! Here’s everything you need to know about with MidCamp just 5 weeks away!
Health & Safety
With help from the community, our venue, and outside professionals, we’ve completed the MidCamp 2023 Health & Safety Policy. The policy is rooted in our values but is reflective of current conditions and our capacity as a fully volunteer-led team.
We’ve done our best to get this published and sincerely hope this works for you, but if it doesn’t you may request a full refund of your ticket at any time prior to the event by emailing
Session Schedule
We’ve got a great line-up this year! All sessions on Wednesday and Thursday (April 26-27) are included in the price of your MidCamp registration. We encourage you to start plotting your days now — and get ready for some great learning opportunities!
Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
MidCamp is committed to being accessible to anyone and everyone who is interested in learning and participating in our community. We’ll teach you, we’ll feed you, and we’ll welcome you with open arms. If you don’t fit into any of our public ticket categories, we have an option for you. Get your sponsored ticket here.
Student tickets
Know any students interested in learning about Drupal? We have discounted tickets ($25!) available for students to join us at MidCamp and learn more about the community! There are sessions for everyone—topics range from Site Building and DevOps to Project Management and Design.
OpenBGPD 7.9 released
Version 7.9 of
has been
We have released OpenBGPD 7.9, which will be arriving in the OpenBGPD directory of your local OpenBSD mirror soon. This release includes the following changes to the previous release: * Include OpenBSD 7.2 errata 023: Incorrect length checks allow an out-of-bounds read in bgpd(8).
Open source changes everything: What John Walicki learned about community building
John Walicki, who has recently joined the Linux Foundation as VP of Community Operations, is a name many former IBMers like myself recall with admiration.
The post Open source changes everything: What John Walicki learned about community building appeared first on
Eskalon Online: Riesen-MMO zeigt, wie es nach Gothic weitergeht
Video by via Dailymotion Source Ein gigantisches Fan-Projekt schließt an das Ende von Gothic 3 an. Auf dem Online-Server von Eskalon Online wartet eine neue Welt – und eine neue Bedrohung. Der Story-Trailer verbreitet gleich die richtige Atmosphäre, was vor allem am deutschen Sprecher Hans-Jörg Karrenbrock liegt, der im ursprünglichen Gothic seine Stimme dem Charakter…
Portas de metrô de SP seguem fechadas mesmo após negociação com sindicato
Video by via Dailymotion Source O Metrô de São Paulo acatou a exigência do Sindicato dos Metroviários para parar a greve e deve liberar as catracas nas próximas horas e iniciar a retomada das operações. Desde a madrugada desta quinta-feira (22), as linhas 1-Azul, 2-Verde, 3-Vermelha e 15-Prata estão paralisadas. Assista ao Jornal da Manhã…