Video by via Dailymotion Source VERISSIMO | Trailer Oficial Assista ao novo trailer de #verissimo Somos o melhor destino para quem busca trailers assim que eles são lançados. Se você é fã de cinema como a gente, INSCREVA-SE e receba todas as novidades dos seus filmes favoritos! ► Baixe nossos apps:Android: ► Compre…
Author: Michael G
Installation featuring countless red threads opens at Austrian ex-Nazi death camp
Video by via Dailymotion Source Red ropes and larger-than-life dresses float in the tunnel of a former Nazi death camp in Ebensee, Austria, as the exhibition by Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota “Where are we now?” opens to the public. More than 8,000 prisoners died at the Ebensee camp between 1943 and 1945, mostly of hunger…
Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas 2024 new gameplay Fighting With People Part 11
Welcome to the adrenaline-pumping world of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas! In this action-packed gameplay series, we dive deep into the streets of San Andreas as we take on intense combat scenarios against various opponents.
Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas 2024 new gameplay Fighting With People Part 11
“Fighting With People,” we unleash the raw power of CJ as we engage in fierce brawls, street fights, and epic showdowns with rival gangs and street thugs. With an arsenal of punches, kicks, and melee weapons at our disposal, every encounter is a test of skill and strategy.
Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas 2024 new gameplay Fighting With People Part 11
Join us on this thrilling journey as we navigate through the dangerous alleys and urban landscapes of San Andreas, showcasing intense combat sequences, close-quarters combat tactics, and jaw-dropping moments of action-packed mayhem.
Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas 2024 new gameplay Fighting With People Part 11
Get ready to witness intense battles, epic takedowns, and adrenaline-fueled combat like never before in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Fighting With People !
Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas 2024 new gameplay Fighting With People Part 11
Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with the latest episodes. Let the brawl begin!
Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas 2024 new gameplay Fighting With People Part 11
Elena Danaan. Bazar spirituel : canalisation, spiritisme, petite possession grands risques…
Entrevue entre Abigaëlle Richard & Elena Danaan
Canada, Irlande => Univers
Titre & source originels
« Divulgation galactique, contacts physiques et connexions du coeur. Discussion avec Elena Danaan »
Dans cette entrevue en français sous-titrée adéquatement en anglais, Elena Danaan fait des distinctions cruciales entre les différents groupes impliqués dans la divulgation galactique et dans la sphère spirituelle.
Elle discute également de la différence entre les informations apportées par les contactés qui ont des contacts physiques directs avec les ET et les crypto-terrestres, ce qui implique d’avoir des preuves directes, physiques et corroborantes, versus les autres starseeds qui ne sont pas des contactés physiques en soi, mais qui sont également encouragés à partager leur cheminement, cependant dans des contextes différents (et moins officiels) (avec moins ou pas d’attentes de preuves), puisqu’il s’agit d’une connexion télépathique ou du cœur avec notre propre âme, sa matrice d’âme et notre groupe d’âmes.
Enfin, Elena présente les grands risques et la confusion associés à la « canalisation ».
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Entrevue précédente (en anglais) avec Elena:
♥ . . .
Listes de lecture connexes :
● Elena Danaan
● Retrouver sa Souveraineté ֎ 1
● Retrouver sa Souveraineté ֎ 2
● Dans les coulisses du monde ֎ 1
● Dans les coulisses du monde ֎ 2
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} Afin de préserver de la calcification la glande pinéale qui est l’un des éléments corporels permettant la reliance au spirituel, il est nécessaire, certes d’utiliser des dentifrices sans fluor comme ceux à l’argile mais également de porter des lunettes spécial écran d’ordinateur afin de réduire la réception de la lumière bleue.
Specbee: How to convince your team to migrate your Drupal 7 website to Drupal 10
We get it. For folks not in the know, this seems like a waste of funds. However, with Drupal 7 coming to an end in about 9 months (January 5th, 2025), the urgency to transition becomes increasingly stressful. We know you know, but you still have your team members (or your boss!) left to convince. Let’s make it easier for you with this article.
Understanding the impact of Drupal 7 End of Life
Before you talk to your team about why you need to migrate to Drupal 10, let’s examine some of the implications of persisting with Drupal 7.
No more security updates or advisories for core, contributed modules and themes. The Drupal Security Team may publicly post moderate to less critical issues affecting Drupal 7 in the public issue queue for resolution, provided they are not widely exploitable.
Unsupported Drupal 7 contributed modules or themes won’t be eligible for new maintainership or reclassification as supported. If you’re currently using them, it is a good idea to take ownership or be a maintainer of those projects.
PHP version 5.5 and below will now be supported. This lack of support could lead to compatibility issues, security vulnerabilities, and potential performance drawbacks.
If your Drupal 7 website is running on Windows, you will no longer receive security fixes for Windows-related issues. It is recommended to move to a different operating system.
You will no longer receive assistance for tasks associated with Drupal 7, such as documentation navigation, automated testing, packaging, and other related activities.
Making the case for Drupal 7 to 10 migration to your team
Let’s give you some powerful pointers to discuss with your team to get buy-in on the Drupal 7 to 10 migration.
Remarkably Enhanced User Experience for Content Editors and Site Builders in D10
There are 3 things that matter a lot to content editors and site builders :
User-friendly admin interface – It should allow for efficient content creation, editing, and site management without requiring extensive technical knowledge.
Customization – This includes options for customizing layouts, adding new features, and integrating third-party tools and services.
Media management – To upload, organize, and embed images, videos, and other multimedia content within articles.
Claro admin theme
Drupal 10’s new Claro admin theme (a part of core) offers a clean, modern and user-friendly interface to help organize and find what you need easily. Olivero is the new default front-end theme now and it comes with a modern look and feel. The theme integrates seamlessly with all of Drupal’s features and is the most accessible theme (WCAG level AA compliant) till now. The flexible Layout builder module is now in core and it is now easier to create pages and customize layouts the way you want. The modern and functional media management system makes it simpler to upload, reuse, and manage media assets on your Drupal site.
Optimized Website Performance and SEO Improvements
With every new release, Drupal is getting better at delivering performance. With Drupal 10’s new and improved caching mechanisms, BigPipe technology, optimized codebase, and effective content delivery mechanisms, your website can now load faster and offer a great user experience. It incorporates various enhancements to boost performance in content rendering and HTTP responses. With Drupal 10, you can implement lazy loading for embedded content and responsive images, significantly enhancing load times. Additionally, the introduction of the new JS minification feature dynamically reduces code and markup, thereby further improving performance. The new Single Directory Component (SDC) approach of theming your website is a revolutionary step towards frontend development which also greatly improves website performance by groupong together files necessary to render components (Twig, CSS, JS). And don’t forget, better website performance also means a better SEO ranking on search engines.
Managing Content is Easier
Now that you’ve settled into using Drupal 7 for a while, you might feel like managing content is pretty straightforward. But hold on – let me tell you about Drupal 10, where things get even smoother and more user-friendly. With Drupal 10, organizing your content consistently becomes much simpler. You can reuse existing fields easily and create new ones more smoothly, all in one place. Editing content is smoother too, with text fields that ensure your text looks just right. Plus, managing older versions of your content, whether it’s in blocks or pages, is a breeze with the new unified editing experience. The new CKEditor 5 version offers an enhanced content editing experience. Its features like drag-and-drop image insertion, real-time collaboration, and seamless integration with Drupal’s content management system make creating and editing content very simple. Its customizable toolbar allows you to tailor the editing experience to suit your specific needs. You also easily copy and paste content from Word/Google Docs to the editor without worrying about formatting as it automatically removes any markup.
Improved Security
And no, we’re not just talking about the lack of security support for Drupal 7 after Jan 2025. Because of the way it has been built and due to its many modern dependencies, Drupal 10 is now more secure than it has ever been.
As you may already be aware, Drupal has been aligning its release cycles with its dependencies, including PHP and Symfony, since version 8. This means that as PHP versions continue to evolve, older versions like Drupal 7 may become incompatible with the latest PHP releases. This lack of compatibility can leave your Drupal 7 site vulnerable to security risks and other issues. Drupal 10 relies on the latest versions of Symfony (6) and PHP (8.1), making it more secure and better performing.
Twig, Drupal 10’s default template engine, not only simplifies the development process but also enhances security by preventing direct database interactions within the code. This prevents vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting and code injections.
By default, Drupal 10 strengthens website security by suggesting users choose stronger passwords, minimizing unauthorized access risks through parameters like minimum length and complexity.
The Time is Now!
The urgency for you to address the Drupal 7 migration depends on the complexity of your website. The more extensive your site’s content and features, the longer the migration process will likely take. It’s going to take even longer if you have many custom modules and features. But you don’t want to rush the process. We have seen (and fixed) a lot of bad migrations (like a lot!), most of them done in haste or without proper planning. With a 9-month window to Drupal 7 end-of-life starting now, we believe this is the optimal time to initiate your migration process. A Drupal 7 to 10 migration is going to be a complete rebuild (which is why it takes time) but once you’re on Drupal 10, future upgrades are going to be very, very easy.
Don’t forget to check out this article that features our Drupal experts discussing what’s new in Drupal 10 in detail. You can even catch up with the video of this panel discussion.
Final Thoughts
If you’re thinking this migration (Drupal 7 to Drupal 10) is going to be your last big transition, you are absolutely right. Because even though Drupal continues to innovate, progress and release further versions, your website will now only need effortless and straightforward upgrades. Yes, upgrades will remain easy forever. So what next? Start looking for a Drupal certified migration partner (like Specbee) and get a site audit (we’ll do it for you for free!) so you know how much time you have to start the migration process.
JRuby Released
The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby
- Homepage:
- Download:
JRuby 9.4.x targets Ruby 3.1 compatibility.
Thank you to our contributors this release, you help keep JRuby moving forward! @kares, @ryannevell, @jsvd
Ruby Compatibility
- Many edge cases in language compatibility have been fixed. #7440, #8128, #8192, #8193, #8195, #8197, #8198
Standard Library
- jruby-openssl is updated to 0.14.5
- rdoc is updated to
- Warnings due to method aliasing in the ostruct library have been mitigated. #8200, #8206
JVM Integration
- Ruby classes that are “reified” into a Java class and later redefined can be “re-reified” to a new Java class with an incrementing version number. #8141, #8185
- Java objects from other classloaders can pollute the
namespace. This behavior can be disabled now, and will be disabled by default in JRuby 10. #8156, #8208
53 Github Issues resolved for
- #7440 Multiple assignment evaluation order consistency
- #8112 update this ancient lockfile
- #8113 Remove long dead torquebox from template Gemfile and update to newer …
- #8114 one last update to puma version for sample Gemfile
- #8119 Possible Keyword Argument Regression in
- #8121 Prepending a module to a subclass changes it representation in the superclass#subclasses array
- #8122 Handle prepend in subclasses
- #8123 lutimes was passing huge wrong values to function
- #8124 Method.clone of frozen should stay frozen
- #8125 Proc#clone of frozen proc should stay frozen
- #8126 UnboundMethod#clone of frozen UnboundMethod should stay frozen
- #8127 EncodingError should be SyntaxError for bad symbols?
- #8128 parameters value for **nil should be nokey
- #8130 Return proper encoding error string for String#to_c
- #8131 frozen error handling for remove_instance_variable
- #8132 test flags for stats need to handle file instances as well as strings
- #8133 Implement string/eval form of trace_var
- #8134 Fix various kwarg-related specs in IO#open, File#open and Kernel#open.
- #8135 Cannot install latest
- #8136 Redo java commandline calculation to work with newer Java’s
- #8138 [deps] update joda-time to 2.12.7
- #8139 to_time raise an exception. (class cannot be cast to class
- #8141 can not re-reify sub-class of a Java sub-class
- #8142 Add-Opens for complete -jar runs as expected in later Java’s
- #8144 Allow extended DateTime to still be constructed using DateTime
- #8148 Profiler raises ‘wrong number of arguments for constructor (ArgumentError)’ for the march_hare gem
- #8155 Concurrently requiring a file from multiple threads may “succeed” even if the file raises an error
- #8156 JRuby adds Java proxy classes to the Java module even if they are not from JRubyClassLoader
- #8157 Incorrect case tree selection when comparing Symbols during compiled Ruby code execution
- #8167 Some simple refactoring but removing some mysterious classcast guards
- #8173 Coverage doesn’t cover
- #8179 Thread#pending_interupt? crashes
- #8185 [ji] support re-reifying class hierarchy
- #8186 [fix] LoadError on require should not complete load
- #8191 Rearrange cond0 to behave more like MRI did in 3.1
- #8192 lhs of compound const would crash if not a Module/Class
- #8193 side-effects in const op element assign by exec parent of lhs twice
- #8195 use left to right evaluation
- #8196 [deps] update jruby-openssl to 0.14.5
- #8197 END was not getting parents lvars
- #8198 Give same error message for duplicated case arms
- #8199 Enumerator#next_values behavior does not match MRI or docs
- #8200 Warnings emitted by requiring ‘ostruct’
- #8201 Fix issue#8199
- #8202 do not emit labels which are not used while constructing loops + IGV enhancements
- #8203 rename all closures to more closely match a name you can read vs CLOSURE_2
- #8204 bump rdoc dependency to
- #8205 begin node coverage line should not get added if it has been removed
- #8206 Mark frame-aware method names with bang suffix for ostruct
- #8207 Partially undo kwarg optz from #8095
- #8208 Only set up Java:: constants when accessed directly
- #8209 opted case needs to use updated ints when loaded into new runtime.
- #8211 Always unwrap old initialize methods