Author: Michael G
Exploring Campfire
KMS for Apple silicon machines
Mark Kettenis (kettenis@
support for
Kernel Mode-Setting (KMS)
on Apple silicon
CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2024/01/22 11:54:01 Modified files: sys/arch/arm64/conf: GENERIC sys/dev/pci/drm: files.drm sys/dev/pci/drm/include/generated: autoconf.h Added files: sys/dev/pci/drm/apple: afk.c afk.h apldcp.c apldrm.c apple_drv.c dcp-internal.h dcp.c dcp.h dcp_backlight.c dptxep.c dptxep.h ibootep.c iomfb.c iomfb.h iomfb_internal.h iomfb_template.c iomfb_template.h iomfb_v12_3.c iomfb_v12_3.h iomfb_v13_3.c iomfb_v13_3.h parser.c parser.h systemep.c trace.c trace.h version_utils.h sys/dev/pci/drm/include/linux: apple-mailbox.h args.h sys/dev/pci/drm/include/linux/soc/apple: rtkit.h Log message: Add apldcp(4) and apldrm(4). Together these drivers provide KMS functionality on Apple Silicom machines. At this point the drivers provide significant power savings when the display is blanked (and during suspend) and backlight control. Some support for HDMI output is also included, but for now only when HDMI is used as the primary output. In the future this should also provide displayport support. This is a port of the the Asahi Linux drivers which can be found at Note that this branch gets rebased from time to time. These drivers do *not* bring us GPU accelerated graphics. But there are reports that things run "smoother". There are some known bugs with backlight control: the backlight level may not be restored properly after the display has been blanked, and changing the backlight quickly un succession may break the backlight control. ok jsg@
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