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Author: Michael G
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Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship 2023: Nur Mufidah Terbaik di Loncat Indah Menara 5-10 Meter!
Video by via Dailymotion Source KOMPAS.TV – Indonesia Open Aquatic Championship 2023 mempertandingkan nomor Loncat Indah Kategori Menara 5-10 meter. Hasilnya, pada kelompok umur 16 tahun, Nur Mufidah Sudirman asal DKI Jakarta mampu menduduki peringkat pertama. Mufidah menyelesaikan delapan kali loncatan dengan skor terbaik 246,35. Peringkat kedua juga direbut DKI Jakarta atas nama Khairunnisa; sementara…
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Coral Fênix – Os amigos de Deus | Uma noite de arrepiar com vozes e orquestra maravilhosa
Postado pelos amigos de Deus, se puder ou estiver interessado em comprar produtos em uma de nossas lojas de afiliado nos ajude. Compre em nossas lojas de afiliados:
Em nossos vídeos, queremos compartilhar a adoração a Deus e palavra de Deus revelada nas escrituras, queremos orar e abençoar vidas.
Nossa intenção é adorar a Deus sobre todas as coisas e pregar a palavra a toda humanidade.
Deus seja louvado
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Tourists had a close call when a cheetah climbed onto their open-top jeep
The video, captured in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, shows a cheetah vaulting onto the vehicle and lounging on the roof for some time.
Jonas Meyer, 25, who was in the jeep alongside another tourist and two safari guides, captured the incredible moment on camera.
Jonas, a university student, said: “Initially, I was both amazed and somewhat alarmed by the cheetah’s boldness.
“My initial fear was somewhat allayed by the presence of our guides but seeing them also duck and exhibit signs of fear reignited my apprehension.
“As time passed, my initial fear subsided somewhat, although the adrenaline rush was evident as you might notice from the heavy breathing in the footage.”
According to Jonas, the cheetah had been camouflaged nearby and jumped onto the jeep to use it as a vantage point to scout for prey.
He said: “Initially, the cheetah was camouflaged, lying on a small hill approximately one metre high, amidst termite mounds.
“It then leaped onto the back of our vehicle and after a short while jumped down again.
“The cheetah spent some time lounging on the roof and then settled on the rear of the car for an extended period – approximately 6-8 minutes – before gracefully dismounting and lying in the grass again.”
No one in the vehicle was armed so if the cheetah had become aggressive, the group’s only recourse would have been to scare it.
Jonas said: “It’s important to note that in the Serengeti National Park, guides do not carry weapons.
“Our only potential recourse, had the cheetah become aggressive, would have been to start the vehicle to scare it away.”
The video was filmed in January 2022.
LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 20 – Event Organizers Working Group (EOWG)
Wed, 12/20/2023 – 07:00

Once again, welcome back to the Drupal Advent Calendar. It’s day 20, and time to open our next door. Today Leslie Glynn (leslieg) joins us to talk about the Event Organizers Working Group (EOWG).
I bet a lot of you learned about Drupal and the awesome Drupal Community at a local Drupal event. I went to the Western Massachusetts Drupal Camp back in 2011 after I was assigned a Drupal website to support at work and had no idea what Drupal even was. I attended many great sessions, met a lot of folks in the local Drupal community and even purchased the “Definitive Guide to Drupal 7” (remember all…