Category: News
Beautiful Naran Kaghan KPK Pakistan
#narankaghanthebeautyofpakistan #narankaghan #beautifulplacesinnarankaghan #narankaghanlatestupdate #pakistan #naran #narankaghanvalley #narankaghanthebeautyofpakistan #narankaghanviahazaramotorway #narankaghannewstoday #travelpakistan #kaghan #lahoretokaghannaran #kaghannarannewupdate #beautifulplacesinnaran #beautifulpakistan #kaghannaran #narankaghanthebeatifulplaceinpakistan #beautyofpakistan #narankaghan2021
unifont @ Savannah: Unifont 15.0.05 Released
Unifont 15.0.05 Released
3 June 2023 Unifont 15.0.05 is now available. This is a minor release, but significantly is planned to be the last release to include TrueType files in its default build. This release also includes a new Hangul Syllables block contributed by Minseo Lee, with his modifications to three combining patterns in the johab2ucs2 Perl script. This release also includes a few changes to Chinese ideographs. Details are in the ChangeLog file.
Download this release from GNU server mirrors at:
or if that fails,
or, as a last resort,
These files are also available on the website:
Font files are in the subdirectory
A more detailed description of font changes is available at
and of utility program changes at
Paul Hardy
Thief Quiz
Choose on of three Paths:
Folk o’ the Woodsie ~Pagans – Thief 1 The Dark Project followers and influencers
Children of Karras – Thief 2 The Metal Age followers and influencers
Glyph Keepers – Thief 3 Deadly Shadows followers and influencers
Game can be found here:
Prove your knowledge and you will be rewarded with as you may expect Gold!. The more you gather, the stronger your Path will become. Exchange Gold for one of +100 avatars!
Climb the hierarchy of your Path, and maybe one day you will become its leader and lead it to the domination!
We are not the author of the assets from Thief series, We are just using them to promote the game. It is a total fan service. From fans to fans of this awesome game series!
Checkout all Madcrapb Games on Google Play:
Official Website:
Community Working Group posts: Opportunity with the Drupal Community’s Conflict Resolution Team
Most people in the Drupal Community are aware of the role the Community Working Group (CWG) plays to support community health. For those of you who may not be, in short, the CWG is a group of volunteers from our community who come together to support the Drupal space to make it a healthy, productive environment that supports all its members. It consists of two teams: the Community Health Team (CHT) which acts as both a resource and works to develop and/or support community initiatives, and the Conflict Resolution Team (CRT) which is responsible for helping to uphold Drupal’s Code of Conduct and facilitate communication when tension arises. Read more about our charter. All members of the Conflict Resolution Team are now required to serve on the Community Health team prior to joining the CRT to ensure a well-rounded understanding of the initiatives and barriers faced within our community.
The Conflict Resolution Team members aim to serve no more than three years which means that we are frequently in need to recruit and onboarding new members to allow seasoned members to roll off into a Subject Matter Expert (SME)/advisory role.
Currently, the Conflict Resolution Team is looking to add one or two members to our team within the next three to six months or so. Do you or someone you know have a passion for sustaining the health and sense of psychological security within our community? If so, reach out to at drupal-cwg at drupal dot org to learn more. We’d love to talk to you.