Category: Open Source
5 Alasan Istri Indra Bekti Open Donasi Terungkap, Tagihan RS Capai Miliaran Rupiah
Keputusan istri Indra Bekti, Aldila Jelita open donasi untuk biaya rumah sakit tuai pro kontra. Kebanyakan warganet nyinyir karena Indra Bekti baru empat hari dirawat di rumah sakit imbas pecah pembuluh darah otak.
Akun Twitter @SarangBidadari kemudian menjelaskan kondisi sebenarnya. Ia pun mengimbau warganet untuk berempati sebelum menghakimi.
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#AldilaJelita #IndraBekti
Vo/Video Editor: Anistya Yustika/Fatikha
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Share your Moodle love 🧡🎓
Hello and Happy New Year!
We would like to start 2023 with a bit of fun. This is why we’ve created a little competition where you can share your Moodle love.
We’d like you to show us a Moodle course design that you love. You have four weeks (deadline: Monday 30 January 2023 at 23:59 UTC) to share a great course, and we have a prize for the winner and runner-up to be given on 14th February 2023.
This could be a course you are participating in, or one you have designed yourself, that works well for your participants and topic(s).
We can’t wait to see great examples of well-designed courses (not just good-looking courses).
Head to the Competition Centre to read the rules and submit your Moodle course design, now!
Best wishes and good luck!
Aurélie and the Community Sites team 9 reasons to upgrade to Drupal 9 or 10 from Drupal 7
The end-of-life for Drupal 7 was originally announced as being November 2021 but this was later extended to November 2023 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s time to organize your site upgrade.
Abi Walker
Mon, 01/02/2023 – 12:28
If I Were ~~King~~ Matz – Ideas For Ruby 4.0 – What’s Broken & Missing In 3.x
10 top networking guides for sysadmin success
Get plugged into the top 10 networking articles of 2022 to learn how to troubleshoot network problems, automate your network, balance traffic, and more. Read More at Enable Sysadmin
The post 10 top networking guides for sysadmin success appeared first on
How many layers of UI inconsistencies are in Windows 11?
Bruno Meyer: Ericsson e Unicamp criam centro de pesquisa para 5G e 6G
Video by via Dailymotion Source O interesse em melhorar a educação acadêmica e direcionar o ensino e a pesquisa científico-tecnológica no país para atender a indústria e a sociedade uniram a Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), a Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp) e a Ericsson. Assista o Jornal da…
Organize Your Word Documents using the Navigation Pane
Video by via Dailymotion Source Learn how to quickly organize your word documents by rearranging the headings you set up in your document. The trick for doing this is to use the Navigation Pane. You’ll also learn how to search for headings, pages, and results that contain certain text. **Consider supporting Learn & Apply Activities***:…
Motokrosçular cirit sahasında atlı sporculara karşı
Video by via Dailymotion Source Erzincan’da motokros tutkunları ile atlı sporcular aynı sahada cirit oynadı. Erzincan Enduro Motosiklet Grubu üyeleri ile Can Erzincan Atlı Cirit Spor Kulübü sporcuları, cirit sahasında sıra dışı bir program gerçekleştirdi.Kentteki Şeker Fabrikası arkasındaki sahada bir araya gelen motokros tutkunları ile atlı sporcular, 6’şarlı iki grup halinde karşı karşıya geldi.Motokrosçuların son…