Category: Open Source
After Ticketmaster’s data breach, it’s time to secure your info
Still in its “anti-hero” era, Ticketmaster has users reeling from a data breach last May, when a hacker group claimed to have stolen data from more than 500 million people. The breach coincided with Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, one of the biggest tours ever that just so happened to have one of the most problematic […]
The post After Ticketmaster’s data breach, it’s time to secure your info appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
Google confirms Android 16 is coming earlier than usual, developer preview begins soon
“Day 1 Begins! | 60 Days to a Healthier, Happier Me | Be That Woman’ Challenge Starts NOW…
Video by via Dailymotion Source Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: “Join me on my 60-day journey to become the best version of myself! Every day, I’ll share my routines, healthy habits, and lifestyle tips to inspire you to create a balanced, vibrant life. From morning rituals to evening wind-downs, skincare secrets to fitness moves,…
Kellen Severo: Senadores querem reabrir debate sobre demarcação de terras
Video by via Dailymotion Source A crescente tensão no campo e a ausência de um marco legal definitivo sobre propriedade privada e a demarcação de terras indígenas geraram protestos nesta semana, tanto de produtores rurais como de indígenas. Os conflitos no campo aumentaram depois que STF e Congresso divergiram sobre o Marco Temporal Indígena. Confira…
Masyarakat Sorot Harga Rp23 Juta untuk Laptop Siswa SD, Terlalu Mahal?
Video by via Dailymotion Source KOMPAS.TV – Anggaran pengadaan laptop bagi siswa SD dengan anggaran mencapai Rp1,4 miliar atau Rp23 juta rupiah per siswa, kini jadi sorotan. Menggali soal fitur laptop dan peruntukannya; apakah harga laptop tersebut sudah cukup, belum cukup, atau bahkan berlebihan untuk perangkat siswa SD? Berikut liputan Jurnalis KompasTV, Vedrizqa Ananda dan…
Voici à quoi vous ressemblez quand vous arrêtez d’apprendre…
Video by via Dailymotion Source Pour parler de la vidéo avec des gens passionnés tech : / discord Mon setup COMPLET (PC / Caméra / Autres) : Si vous voulez me soutenir, vous pouvez le faire en achetant vos produits technologiques avec ce lien : ça ne vous change rien au prix de…