Video by via Dailymotion Source JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Komisi Pemilihan Umum Provinsi Jakarta kembali menyelenggarakan Debat Calon Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Jakarta hari ini (27/10). Ini merupakan debat kedua yang dijalani para kandidat calon pemimpin Jakarta. Debat kedua ini digelar di Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, Jakarta Utara dengan tema ekonomi dan kesejahteraan sosial. Ketua…
Category: Open Source
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Drupal Core News: Drupal 11.1 alpha phase begins October 28; 11.1.0 to be released December 12-13
Drupal 11.1.0 and 10.4.0 release dates
Drupal core typically has a minor release window the second week of December. This is to provide enough time after PHP and Symfony’s release dates for core compatibility to be updated, but still far enough before the major end-of-year holidays to avoid interfering with vacations and travel.
This year, DrupalCon Singapore is scheduled for the same week as the minor release. Normally, we would avoid having a minor release the same week as a DrupalCon, but in this case we are unable to move the release date. We will aim to release 11.1.0 and 10.4.0 later in the week to avoid having the release during the actual days of the conference. The release window is now December 12-13 UTC.
Drupal 11.0 and 10.3 will continue to have security coverage until June 2025. So, it is safe for site owners to wait until January 2025 or later, if necessary, to update their sites.
Drupal 11.1 alpha phase begins October 28
In preparation for the minor release, Drupal 11.1.x will enter the alpha phase the week of October 28, 2024. Core developers should plan to complete changes that are only allowed in minor releases prior to the alpha release. The 11.1.0-alpha1 deadline for most core patches is October 28, 2024.
The 10.5.x release branch of core will be created for the next maintenance minor release.
Developers and site owners can begin testing the alpha after its release.
The 11.1.x release branch of core will be created before the alpha is tagged. Future feature and API additions will continue to be targeted against 11.x.
After 11.1.x is branched but before 11.1.0-alpha1 is tagged, alpha experimental modules will be removed from the 11.1.x codebase. Their development will continue in 11.x only.
Following the release of Drupal 11.1 and 10.4, only security issues will be fixed in Drupal 11.0 and 10.3. Additionally, Drupal 10.2 will become end-of-life (EOL).
During the alpha phase, core issues will be committed according to the following policy:
- Most issues that are allowed for patch releases will be committed to 11.1.x and 10.4.x. Such issues may also be committed to 11.0.x and 10.3.x until the final normal bugfix releases of 11.0 and 10.3 on December 4, 2024.
- Most issues that are only allowed in minor releases will be committed to 11.x only. (Such issues may be released in 11.2 or another future minor.). A few strategic issues may be backported to 11.1.x, but only at committer discretion after the issue is fixed in 11.x (so leave them set to 11.x unless you are a committer), and only up until the beta deadline.
- Most issues that are allowed in maintenance minor releases will be committed to 11.x and 10.5.x only. A few strategic issues may be backported to 11.1.x and 10.4.x, but only at committer discretion after the issue is fixed in 11.x (so leave them set to 11.x unless you are a committer), and only up until the beta deadline.
Roughly two weeks after the alpha release, the first beta release will be created. All the restrictions of the alpha release apply to beta releases as well. The release of the first beta is a firm deadline for all feature and API additions. Even if an issue is pending in the Reviewed & Tested by the Community (RTBC) queue when the commit freeze for the beta begins, it will be committed to the next minor release only.
The release candidate phase will begin the week of November 25.
Security support of Drupal 10 and 11
Drupal 10.2.x | Security releases will be provided until December 12, 2024. |
Drupal 10.3.x and 11.0.x | Security releases will be provided until June 18, 2025. |
See the Drupal core release process overview, the Drupal core release schedule, allowed changes during the Drupal 10 and 11 release cycles, and Drupal 10 and 11 backwards compatibility and internal API policy for more information.