How to scrape public dashboards with open-source tool [with code example]
Open Source on Reddit

submitted by /u/IlyaAzovtsev …
NAS-Betriebssystem: Freies openmediavault in Version 6.0 erschienen
Linux und Open Source

Das Betriebssystem openmediavault, das Funktionen für Netzwerkspeicher (NAS) bereitstellt, hat einen aktualisierten Unterbau und eine neue Oberfläche erhalten….
The MOST IMPORTANT SKILL To Learn For The FUTURE! | Mark Zuckerberg on Impact Theory
Tom Bilyeu My amazing and talented wife Lisa is releasing her new book Radical Confidence, which you can preorder – and get the bonuses … 42:47 … some people are going to want to just help create an open source set of assets um
ros2_control “Error configuring controller” and controller state “finalized”
ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum – RSS feed Hello community, I want to implement a differential drive controller on a simulated diff drive robot using ros2_control. After I spawn my robot I run the launch file that starts the controllers (`ros2 launch diffbot_sim`) and I get the following error log (cut short for brevity): [ros2-1] Sucessfully loaded cont…
Import an Open-Source cTrader cBot
ClickAlgo This video will show you how you can import an open-source cTrader cBot project that was built using Microsoft Visual Studio into …
The state of documentation and why it’s failing IT and users
Open source | TechRepublic The state of project documentation is in disarray, and the impact that has on users, admins and developers grows every day. Jack Wallen has suggestions to avoid documentation deterioration. The post The state of documentation and why it’s failing IT and users appeared first on TechRepublic. …
Open Source Mapping Robot – RPlidar node
Robot Brigade This video is part of my series of videos about an open source mapping robot that I am working on. In this video, I talk about a …
TVMosaic Provider for MP2
MediaPortal – An Open Source Windows Media Center for FREE!
{ “lightbox_close”: “Close”, “lightbox_next”: “Next”, “lightbox_previous”: “Previous”, “lightbox_error”: “The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.”, “lightbox_start_slideshow”: “Start slideshow”, “lightbox_stop_slideshow”: “Stop slideshow”, “lightbox_full_screen”: “Full screen”, “lightbox_…
Time saving open-source projects | Invide – Developer Community
Invide – Developer Community Few time saving open source projects or tools. Projects mentioned in the video: 1. Gradio: …
WinterCG: Cloudflare will einheitliche API mit Deno und Node – Open Source Software

Die Workers-Plattform von Cloudflare basiert wie Deno und Node auf der V8-Engine. Die Laufzeitumgebung wird auch Open Source. (Cloudflare, API) …
Find Out What’s Happening in London’s Data Science and AI Scene in 2022
Stories by ODSC – Open Data Science on Medium

The UK has plans to become a global AI superpower, putting London right in the middle of an ambitious effort to build and launch both public and private AI initiatives. Some of the most exciting news could be coming from London in the next few years, so let’s take a look at what’s fueling the drive. The UK government launched The National Artifici…
Talking Drupal #346 – Open Source Compensation
Talking Drupal Today we are talking about Open Source Compensation with Tim Lehnen.
“Run-of-the-Mill Person”
Adventures in Open Source I just noticed that my Wikipedia page has been deleted (the old version is still on the Internet Archive). I’m not sure how I feel about this. When I was first made aware of its existence oh so many years ago I was both flattered and a little embarrassed, mainly because I didn’t think I rated a page on Wikipedia. But then I got to thinking that, …
Re: CVE-2022-24706: Apache CouchDB: Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Packaging
Open Source Security Posted by Jan Lehnardt on May 09This is automated by ASF infrastructure, I sadly have no say over this. But maybe we can a footer with the address next time 🙂 Perfect, thanks! Jan —…
It’s not easy getting an open-source company off the ground, Appwrite wants to help – ZDNet
“open source” – Google News …
It’s not easy getting an open-source company off the ground, Appwrite wants to help
Latest topics for ZDNet in Open-Source Appwrite, a new open-source service company, recently managed to launch. Now it wants to help other companies make the expensive leap from project to a business.
Panel Discussion: AI, Human Ethics & Open-Source Software
RemotebaseHQ In conversation with Muneeb Saleem – Snr. Software Engineer, Google Muneeb Sultan – ML Snr. Manager, insitro Samia Khalid …
Correspondence table between regional spatial units from NUTS and GADMRecent Questions – Open Data Stack Exchange The NUTS ( divides countries into regions. So does the GADM ( Is there any publicly available correspondence table that allows for an (approximate) matching between the two? …
The Polish Artist Stanisław Witkiewicz Made Portraits While On Different Psychoactive Drugs, and Noted the Drugs on Each Painting
Open Culture

At least once a day, staff at art museums and galleries worldwide must hear someone say, “the artist must have been on drugs.” It’s the easiest explanation for art that disturbs, unsettles, confounds our expectations of what art should be. Maybe sometimes artists are on drugs. (R. Crumb tells the story of discovering his inimitable style while o…
Preparing a Post-Invasion Taiwan for Insurgency
NOSI – Naval Open Source Intelligence™ USNI Proceedings – The Marine Corps must be ready to assist Taiwan in destroying infrastructure to thwart Chinese surveillance capabilities and ensure success in a broader conflict. …
Whatever He Said
Creative Commons (pls read the rules) Pool

garryknight has added a photo to the pool: It made them look….
Quantum Computing – How to start and how to say “Hello World!”
Open Sourcerers
In my previous post on Open Source and Quantum Computing Quantum Computing: Open Source from the Start we learned about Quantum Computing in general and how Open Source is used to provide access to this new computing paradigm. This post will now focus on how to get started and provide a very easy guide to write your first quantum circuits…
Upgrade auf LMDE 5 (Linux Mint Debian Edition)
Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
Im Blog von Linux Mint hat das Team eine kurze Anleitung zusammengestellt, wie Du von LMDE 4 auf LMDE 5 aktualisieren kannst. Eine Neuinstallation ist dafür nicht notwendig. Zunächst einmal aktualisierst Du die Paketquellen und danach installierst Du das Upgrade Tool. Dazu führst Du auf einem Terminal die nachfolgenden Befehle aus: Danach rufst Du…
Newbie question about Docker Compose Volumes
Docker: An open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container Hello, I want to preface this by saying I’m a complete newb to using Docker and I’m actually taking Bret Fisher’s course and was hoping someone could help me with a question I’ve run into. During one assignment to build a docker-compose.yml that will deploy Drupal with Postgres I made the following compose file. version: ‘2’ services: d…
Upcoming Talk: David Daly of Worldline on Kanban & Lean
Professorship for Open Source Software
We will be hosting an industry talk on “Kanban & Lean” in Coaching Agile Teams (COACH). The talk is free and open to the public. Abstract: In this talk, David starts by outlining some of the lean principles and practices that have influenced the Kanban method for managing software development, including: Then, David goes on to…
Il rilevamento diventa smart con Arduino Nicla Sense ME
Elettronica Open Source

Con la diffusione delle applicazioni dell’ecosistema IoT è aumentata la richiesta di dispositivi low power compatti ed equipaggiati con set di sensori integrati, in grado di rilevare parametri ambientali e fornire in tempo reale dati e informazioni. La scheda di sviluppo Arduino Nicla Sense ME è un piccolo strumento a bassa potenza implementabile n…
In a decentralized economy with decentralized public infrastructure, is open stack the best IaaS tool?
OpenStack: Open Source Cloud Computing submitted by /u/Mulsy [link] [comments]…
U2’s Bono & the Edge Give Surprise Concert in Kyiv Metro/Bomb Shelter: “Stand by Me,” “Angel of Harlem,” and “With or Without You”
Music Archives – Open Culture

Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited U2 to perform in Kyiv as a show of solidarity with the Ukrainian people. And they showed up, playing an improvised acoustic set in a Kyiv Metro station, which now doubles as a bomb shelter. Above you can watch Bono and the Edge perform “Stand by Me,” “Angel of Harlem,” and “With or Without You.” At points, …
Local entrepreneur to speak on “The Power of Information” – Oakridger
“open data” – Google News Local entrepreneur to speak on “The Power of Information” Oakridger…
The Man That Uploaded 2 Million Videos To YouTube
DistroTube … 📽️ LBRY/Odysee: FREE AND OPEN SOURCE …
Episode 322 – Adam Shostack on the security of Star Wars
Open Source Security Podcast Josh and Kurt talk to Adam Shostack about his new book “Threats: What Every Engineer Should Learn From Star Wars”. We discuss some of the lessons and threats in the Star Wars universe, it’s an old code I hear. We also discuss if Star Wars is a better than Star Trek for teaching security (it probably is). It’s a fun conversation and sounds like an …
Episode 322 – Adam Shostack on the security of Star Wars
Open Source Security Josh and Kurt talk to Adam Shostack about his new book “Threats: What Every Engineer Should Learn From Star Wars”. We discuss some of the lessons and threats in the Star Wars universe, it’s an old code I hear. We also discuss if Star Wars is a better than Star Trek for teaching security (it probably is). It’s a fun conversation and sounds like an…
ODI Summit 2021: Data for global pandemic response: Where we are at and where we need to go
Open Data Institute

This roundtable discussion explores the role of international collaboration for addressing global health challenges with data, and looks at the different perspectives on this topic from different regions of the world (UK/Europe, Africa, Asia). The panel has been convened in the context of the ODI’s involvement in the Global Pandemic Data Alliance….
Introduction to NLP and Topic Modeling
Open Data Science

Modern world, there are a lot of demand for NLP experts who are able to cook with text data and to produce useful analysis results in various business circumstances. Moreover, this industry demand is expected to increase sharply in the near future because NLP and NLU R&D fields have been produced remarkable achievements recently such as transfer l…