[ROS2][Nav2] Is there a way to expand the gobal costmap ?
ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum – RSS feed
I am working in ros2 foxy in ubuntu 20.04 with a custom made robot. In my current setup i use an imu and odmotry (produced by diff_drive) and a localisaton system outside of the robot (like gps). My goal is to map an environment using only the footprint of the robot ( as i don’t have any other source of information ). To do that, the only way i f…
Open Source Smart Home HUB 2.0 for Home Assistant
Smart Solutions for Home In this video, I’ll show you how I built my Smart Home HUB 2.0 for Home Assistant. It is an open-source project, so you can …
The Tao of Open Source Intelligence Audible Audiobook
Free – $0.00 with Audible trial

dumping all the configured objects configuration
OpenStack: Open Source Cloud Computing
Hello, I would like to explore also the possibility to have a huge (or more) text output with all the configured objects. Let’s say, all the various aggregates, roles, users, projects, networks… Is there any command or set of them that would do the job? submitted by /u/Mone181 [link] [comments]…
Open Source project SHOUTOUTS and reviews!
Eddie Jaoude Submit your open source project / portfolio / resume for a LIVE stream review and shoutout …
How to Tune a Model Using Feature Contribution and Simple Analytics
Stories by ODSC – Open Data Science on Medium

Tuning a model is a core element of a data scientist’s work. An important and integral part of the model tuning process is the feature selection process. This is because in many cases, the model itself is a “black box,” which makes it hard to understand the features’ performance. We can add, remove or change features. Normally each feature has bot…
Thinkpad Z13: Lenovo verhindert standardmäßig Linux-Boots
Golem.de – Open Source Software

Eine Firmware-Option für Secure Boot in aktuellen Thinkpads von Lenovo führt offenbar dazu, dass zunächst nur Windows gestartet werden kann. (Linux, Lenovo) …
The real reason why Tesla made all Patents Open-Source
MarketingTutorship Hit the subscribe button for more interesting shorts! Fair Use Copyright Disclaimer *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the …
IRC technology news from the first half of 2022
submitted by /u/buovjaga [link] [comments]…
heise+ | Praxistest: Texteditor Vim 9 für Administratoren und Entwickler

Mit einer neuen Skriptsprache verbessert Vim 9 die Performance des Kommandozeileneditors deutlich. Das jüngste Release enthält außerdem praktische Neuerungen….
Great Expectations – Story behind the Open Source Pipeline tester
Restack Ensuring your data pipelines are not broken? Great Expectations is the Open Source. Find & test out Great Expectations in …
Open-Source Cloud Asset Management with Yevgeny Pats
Software Daily Give your thumbs-up and subscribe to the channel! 🎙️More Software Engineering Daily podcasts: …
Fwd: CVE-2022-2347 – Unchecked Download Size and Direction in U-Boot USB DFU
Posted by Eduardo’ Vela” on Jul 08———- Forwarded message ——— From: Eduardo’ Vela” <Nava> <evn () google com> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022, 10:07 Subject: CVE-2022-2347 – Unchecked Download Size and Direction in U-Boot USB DFU To: <sultan.qasimkhan () nccgroup com>, 3pvd <3pvd () google com>, < u-boot () l…
leastsqtobayes: Bayesian outputs from least-squares fitting
Journal of Open Source Software
$1m ARR – Open Source SaaS Growth Story! | Plausible
Concurate In this video, we walk you through the growth story journal of Plausible – a Google Analytics alternative! Here is what we really …
Docker rebuilt with big data files
Docker: An open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
We are rebuilding our docker container (docker-compose) with many big data files (> 1TB) in the same directory/build context. This directory is mounted as a volume to the container and the service in the container writes sql lite files to the volume. These files should not be considered when rebuilding but only mounted afterwards. Problem is t…
Where On Earth Did GPG Save My Private Key?
All about GPG, the GNU Privacy Guard
I Recently Decided To Add An Associated PGP Key To My On-Line Presence. To Prevent Mixups, I Also Decided To Use A Separate Keychain For This. Big Mistake. I Was Recently Sent A Message That Was PGP Encrypted, And, I Went To Decrypt It. No Matching Private Keys On The Keychain! I Thought That Was Unusual, Perhaps The Message Had Gotten Corrupted….
Hugging Face CEO Interview: Open-Source and Decentralization
HuggingFace Hugging Face CEO Clement Delangue sits down with Harvard Business School to discuss values on open-source, …

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0 (insieme ad articoli tecnici, progetti, approfondimenti sulle tecnologie emergenti, news, tutorial a puntate, e molto altro) ma anche gli articoli della Rubrica Firmware Reload. In questa Ru…
Steam Decks OS mit QEMU in einer virtuellen Maschine betreiben
Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
Das Steam Deck dürfte Gamern in der Zwischenzeit ein Begriff sein. Es ist Valves tragbarer Spielecomputer, auf dem SteamOS läuft. Das Betriebssystem basiert auf Linux, genauer gesagt Arch Linux. Für SteamOS 3 gibt es noch kein Installationsprogramm für einen normalen PC gibt. Allerdings kannst Du es mittels QEMU in einer virtuellen Maschine betrei…
Beyond the Gulf: U.S. Maritime Security Operations in the Mena Region
NOSI – Naval Open Source Intelligence™
CIMSEC – Despite rumors to the contrary, the United States is not interested in disengaging from the Middle East. The Indo-Pacific is the new focal point of U.S. foreign policy, but the Middle East remains essential for U.S. interests. However, current patterns of interaction between the United States and its Middle Eastern partners are tied to r…
Creative Commons (pls read the rules) Pool

marfis75 has added a photo to the pool: …
Recent Questions – Open Data Stack Exchange
I can’t find this error message on any of the previous forums, but I am really struggling to get my model to run and can’t seem to work out what the problem is. I keep getting this error message: ****** Sorry something went wrong in procedure ParseCommand in module BugsScripting ****** My code through R using the R2OpenBUGS package i…