The Blueprints module builds content models based on’s specification for structured data. The generated content models are understandable, shareable, and reusable by people, machines, and search engines. To share these content models, we need to expose our data using an API. This post will explore reasonable recommendations for exposing our based content inside Drupal to decoupled front-ends and machines.
Currently, in the Drupal community there are two popular API specifications/web services implementations: JSON:API and GraphQL. JSON:API is included in Drupal core and GraphQL is built and maintained as a contributed module. To understand the current state of these different web services implementations, it helps to look back at the history of the decision to include JSON:API in Drupal core and why GraphQL is a contributed module.
In 2019, Dries Buytaert, Drupal’s project lead, thoroughly compared REST vs JSON:API vs GraphQL. Dries summarizes the goal of the post.
Dries’ conclusion led to the JSON:API module being added to Drupal core.
Philipp Melab, for Amazee Labs, wrote a thoughtful response re-examining the value of GraphQL even though it is not included in Drupal core.
One of Philipp’s concerns about exposing Drupal data structure via JSON:API is that the API will contain a lot of Drupal’ism.
Philipp ends his response by stating.
The decision to include JSON:API into Drupal core is very sound. As a backend developer, I found…Read More