Linux Audio Tutorial. #UNFA Tribute. I LOVE OPEN SOURCE
LoopChampion Guys, gals, and everything in between, get ready to learn important things. Today the team and I and taking you on an adventure …
Enttec Open DMX USB 70303 Lighting Controller Interface ( Open Source / Hardware Only )

Inspektor: protocol-aware proxy that is used to enforce access policies
Inspektor is a database protocol-aware proxy to enforce access control. You can call it an access gateway for your database. I built it to solve data access and compliance issues at my organisation. It’s been used internally and open-sourced for the community. Some of key features: Link to the repo: sub…
Are Vendors Failing in the Face of Open Source Cyberthreats? – Security Boulevard
Visually Inspecting Data Profiles for Data Distribution Shifts
Stories by ODSC – Open Data Science on Medium

Editor’s note: Felipe de Pontes is a speaker for ODSC Europe 2022 coming up June 15th-16th. Be sure to check out his talk, “Visually Inspecting Data Profiles for Data Distribution Shifts,” there! The real world is a constant source of ever-changing and non-stationary data. That ultimately means that even the best ML models will eventually go stale…
Wrong programme title in list of recorded TV
MediaPortal – An Open Source Windows Media Center for FREE!
The TV guide correctly showed the programme title as “Vera”, both the .ts and .xml file names are “Vera” and the TITLE value in the XML file is “Vera”. The 2022-05 screenshot (attached) shows the recorded TV list as the programme was being recorded (wrong title and description) and the 2022-06 shows it after the end …
LF Energy’s New Open Source Project Helps Optimize Grid Capacity
TFiR Vattenfall AB is a Swedish energy company that serves many parts of Europe. The company is fast evolving to embrace emerging …
Teaching Machines Through Human Explanations
Humans can often learn how to detect new entities and categorize documents from just a handful of examples, yet existing natural language processing (NLP) systems typically require tens of thousands of examples to perform with similar accuracy. While deep learning methods have achieved impressive results on academic datasets, these data-hungry mod…
When Is space regained when deleting Container?
Docker: An open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
I tried to delete a container in Docker Desktop then created a new one based on the same image as the first. However, it doesn’t seem like no space was allocated for the first container. I can’t remember, but I think I read somewhere that the space is regained when the service is restarted? Does anyone know the answer? submitted by /u/Beginn…
George Hotz | Programming | an open source CUDA userspace |
george hotz archive Date of stream 4 Jun 2022. Live-stream chat added as Subtitles/CC – English (Twitch Chat).
VEXXHOST Launches Atmosphere, a New Open Source, OpenStack Deployment Tool
OpenStack: Open Source Cloud Computing
submitted by /u/smbale [link] [comments]…
Red Hat Summit 2022: Editor’s Picks

Red Hat Summit 2022 is a wrap! It was packed with interesting sessions covering a wide range of topics. Most sessions are available after a quick registration for on-demand viewing until December 2022 here: There are 101 on-demand sessions available covering high level topics down to the dirty technical details …
Implementare la FFT con Python

Per rendere più veloce il calcolo della trasformata DFT, l’algoritmo FFT venne sviluppato da James Cooley e John Tukey. Questo algoritmo è considerato uno degli algoritmi più importanti del 20° secolo. La trasformata DFT impiega N*N moltiplicazioni complesse per fornire i risultati, mentre l’algoritmo FFT impiega solo (N/2)*logN moltiplicazioni. Ta…
Chinese Aircraft Carrier Seen With A Fleet Of Drones On Its Deck
NOSI – Naval Open Source Intelligence™
War Zone – Imagery shows the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong working as a deployment platform for vertical takeoff and landing drones. …
Open Data and India’s Future – ETCIO
Episode 326 – Big fat containers
Josh and Kurt talk about containers. There are a lot of opinions around what type of containers is best. Back when it all started there were only huge distro sized containers. Now we have a world with many different container types and sizes. Is one better? document.createElement(‘audio’); …
Episode 326 – Big fat containers
Josh and Kurt talk about containers. There are a lot of opinions around what type of containers is best. Back when it all started there were only huge distro sized containers. Now we have a world with many different container types and sizes. Is one better? Show Notes …
We are pleased to announce the release of GNUnet 0.17.0. GNUnet is an alternative network stack for building secure, decentralized and privacy-preserving distributed applications. Our goal is to replace the old insecure Internet protocol stack. Starting from an application for secure publication of files, it has grown to incl…
Re: Linux kernel: UAF, null-ptr-deref and double-free vulnerabilities in nfcmrvl module
Posted by Salvatore Bonaccorso on Jun 05Hi, According to this should be CVE-2022-1734. Regards, Salvatore…

Over the nearly four decades he acted in motion pictures, Ray Liotta worked with auteurs from Jonathan Demme to Martin Scorsese to Noah Baumbach — and also appeared in the likes of Operation Dumbo Drop, and Muppets from Space, and Street Kings 2: Motor City. But whether in an acclaimed Hollywood masterwork, a goofy comedy, or a direct…