Hello Moodlers,
Welcome to this edition of ‘Showcase Shorts’.
Moodle LMS 4.4 is here!
Delivered right on schedule and as smoothly as can be, our newest version of Moodle is now available for you all to enjoy. Please read our launch announcement to learn about all the benefits of our new features. For those of you who want to dig into all the details, you will find them in our release notes.
The next big release on our list is Moodle Workplace 4.4, scheduled for the 21st of May. This release will introduce our new Course Catalogue. See how we’ve optimised the search across the catalogue in the video – one of the final touches we implemented for this new feature.
We will also release the 4.4 version of the Moodle LMS Mobile App in a few weeks. Watch the video to see how this release will improve the Mobile experience with H5P, support offline blog posting, and embed the new Ordering Question Type plugin.
As for Moodle LMS, our journey to create the world’s best open-source learning management solution continues.
Thanks to our ecosystem of plugins, you can already leverage the power of AI with Moodle. Now it’s time to take the next step: getting that power into core! Find out how we plan to do so and see some early mock-ups of our ideas by watching the following.
We will also be working on improvements to the Assignment Activity, continuing to optimise our course page interface, reimagining SMS notifications, and much, much more; stay tuned for more details in upcoming notes.
Our dedication to improving support for our Moodle Community Developers continues with ongoing updates to our developer experience and a renewed focus on plugin reviews.
On that note, we would like to take a moment to say a Moodle-sized thank you to one of our most dedicated supporters, Dan Marsden, who makes the world of Moodle plugins turn. Thank you, Dan, for all you do for the Moodle Community. We are forever grateful for it.
We finish this edition with an invitation to join us for MoodleMoot Global 2024, which will be held from 22 to 24 October in Mérida, México!
Visit to learn how to get discounted early-bird tickets, submit an abstract to become a speaker, or sponsor the event. Get in there quickly; some of our activities have limited places!
That’s it for this edition of our ‘Showcase Shorts’; we hope you’ve enjoyed the updates.
Until Next Sprint!
The Moodle Product Team