NVIDIA Open Sources Their Drivers
Mental Outlaw ₿ Help Support the Channel by Donating Crypto ₿ Monero …
AWS Investing an Additional $10 Million in Open Source Supply Chain Security
AWS Open Source Blog Security is our top priority at AWS. As a result, we are committed to contributing to the quality and safety of open source software. We see great value in contributing both engineering efforts and also projects, tools, training, and guidelines to help improve the security of open source software. These efforts benefit us, our customers, and the b…
Nvidia Open Sources Linux Drivers!! But There’s A Catch
Brodie Robertson For years people have wanted Nvidia to open source there Linux drivers and finally they’ve done so however it’s not that simple …
WOW!!! NVIDIA Releases Open-Source GPU Driver For Linux
Gary Explains NVIDIA has released an open source Linux GPU kernel module with a dual GPL/MIT license. GeForce users can use this driver …
Yasson – An official reference implementation of JSON Binding
Open source collabrative network
Yasson is a Java framework which provides a standard binding layer between Java classes and JSON documents. This is similar to what JAXB is doing in the XML world. Yasson is an official reference implementation of JSON Binding. It defines a default mapping algorithm for converting existing Java classes to JSON suitable for the most cases. …
Special treatment for ros2cli in rmw?
ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum – RSS feed Hi, I’m working on a rmw implementation based on a DDS-specification compatible middleware. In terms of communication and rcl api, everything works fine including calls to introspection functions like `get_topic_names_and_types`. But when I tried to test the cli tools like `ros2 topic list`, the results were all empty. With some further debugging …
NVIDIA Goes Open Source? Hell is getting cold
Switched to Linux Today we look at the first bastion of better Linux graphics as NVIDIA is now releasing kernel headers as open source. We are not …
TrueNAS 13: Renovierter FreeBSD-Unterbau und bessere Performance
Linux und Open Source

Im Rahmen des Release 13 basiert TrueNAS nun auf einem aktuellen FreeBSD und packt vor allem die Geschwindigkeit des Open-Source-NAS-Systems an….
Fedora 36 and Nvidia Open Source
Crowbar Kernel Panic It could literally be the apocalypse. Nvidia has a road map to fully open source the gpu driver by the end of year. Up next, flying …
4 Things You Should Know About Conversational AI
Stories by ODSC – Open Data Science on Medium

Technology has always been geared toward convenience and improving the quality of life for mankind. One of the ways of achieving this is through a better understanding of the human mind–their actions, behaviors, and tendencies. One of the results of this pursuit is conversational AI. Nowadays, there are chatbots and programs that can basically und…
I’m looking to match quite a lot of US companies to their NAICS codes without having to manually search it up
Recent Questions – Open Data Stack Exchange I know it can be done manually through the NAICS website but I have over 3000 companies and I need to get their NAICS codes. So I’m looking for a database or anything else which I can download. Thanks …
This Is Spinal Tap Will Get a Sequel 40 Years Later, Reuniting Rob Reiner, Michael McKean, Christopher Guest & Harry Shearer
Open Culture

Fans of James Cameron’s Avatar are expressing astonishment that its long-expected sequel, Avatar: The Way of Water, will have taken thirteen years to get to theaters. That delay, of course, is nothing next to the 35 years that separated Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049, or the 36 between Top Gun and Top Gun: Maverick, which comes ou…
Autonomous Nuclear Torpedoes Usher in a Dangerous Future
NOSI – Naval Open Source Intelligence™ USNI Proceedings – Russia’s megaton-class Kanyon weapon disrupts arms control and deterrence. …
Mozilla: Firefox setzt Win32k-Lockdown um
Golem.de – Open Source Software

Die Win32k-API ist für ihre Anfälligkeit bekannt. Prozesse mit Web-Inhalten im Firefox-Browser haben darauf nun keinen Zugriff mehr. (Firefox, Browser) …
Free Kubernetes Course Launched this morning
Docker: An open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container My Free Kubernetes Course is available as of this morning. There’s a particular emphasis on Docker which is covered within the first 6 minutes as well as Docker use to demonstrate certain Kubernetes components (like the pause container). It’s a community give back. I hope you enjoy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4zxKk2an3U submitted by …
Programming languages: Python is slow, but it’s about to get faster
Latest topics for ZDNet in Open-Source Python 3.11 will bear the fruits of CPython’s multi-year effort to make Python a faster programming language.
Moving Pictures not loading
MediaPortal – An Open Source Windows Media Center for FREE! When I try to start Moving Pictures configurations, it started up, I get an icon bar in the taskbar at the bottom but no window? Can anyone help me troubelshoot please? I tried restarting the PC, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but still the same….
Government levelling up bill promotes open data-based digital planning – ComputerWeekly.com
“open data” – Google News Government levelling up bill promotes open data-based digital planning ComputerWeekly.com…
Re: How to assign code at drawing panel objects?
Recent Open Source Physics Releases Open Source Physics Forum: EJS ModelingThread: Interactive objectsAuthor: Carlos GarciaSolved: You must enable it in Moving option, putting it on fixed (because I want it works like a button)…
Upcoming talk: Dr. Sascha Demarmels of Kommunikation 3.0 on Agile Communication
Professorship for Open Source Software

We will be hosting an industry talk on “Agile Communication” in Coaching Agile Teams (COACH). The talk is free and open to the public. Abstract: When we self-organise (e.g. with Scrum), conflicts seem to raise exponentially. Employees are constantly in touch with each others. Meanwhile, there are no bosses to escalate conflicts to. Commun…
Charge Moving in 3D in Electric and Magnetic Force JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Model
Open Source Physics @ Singapore (Easy JavaScript Simulation and Tracker) and TagUI (AI-Singapore)

Charge Moving in 3D in Electric and Magnetic Force JavaScript HTML5 Applet Simulation Modeldirect link as requested by Kar Kit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84ZTzeCfswg …
LibreOffice 7.2.7 Community – Wartungs-Version von Still
Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
Es ist die siebte Wartungs-Version des 7.2.x-Zweiges – ab sofort kannst Du auf LibreOffice 7.2.7 Community aktualisieren. Es ist voraussichtlich die letzte Wartungs-Version, bevor der Zweig sein EOL erreicht. 7.2.x ist derzeit die Still-Variante, die sich an konservativere User richtet. Neue Funktionen gibt es nicht, aber es wurden diverse Bugs au…
Progetto di un sistema di sicurezza con l’ESP32-CAM
Elettronica Open Source

In questo articolo andremo a descrivere come creare un sistema per il rilevamento dei movimenti tramite il modulo ESP32-CAM. Il sistema è in grado di rilevare i movimenti all’interno del campo visivo della sua camera, attivando una segnalazione automatica mediante l’invio di una e-mail al proprietario. Nel blog di Elettronica Open Source un progett…
Planning for a healthier future?
Fuse open science blog

Posted by Tim Townshend, Professor of Urban Design for Health, Newcastle University Can we plan for a healthier future by intervening in the built environment? You may be surprised to find out this is not a new idea! Indeed, the very concept of Town Planning emerged in the last quarter of the 19th Century out of a concern for public health and t…
Lightning Interview “Deep Learning with PyTorch”
Open Data Science

We are happy to continue with Lightning interview series. Our next guest is Daniel Voigt Godoy, Senior Data Scientist&Author of “Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step”. Daniel has been teaching machine learning and distributed computing technologies at Data Science Retreat, the longest-running Berlin-based bootcamp, for more than three years, …
pfsense Multigigabit
pfSense for redditors – Open Source Firewall and Router Distribution Hi All, Posting to see if others have any experience to speak of when it comes to pfsense with multigigabit WAN connections. Recently an ISP in my area began offering FTTH with 3 offerings, 500/500 1000/1000 and 2000/2000. I just booked installation for next weekend for the gigabit tier for $60/mo, but I am considering calling them back and aski…
On Reinfection Data, CDC Drops The Ball Again
Open Source Truth

ICAN wanted to check if this was true. Were they really carefully monitoring for reinfections? So, in November 2021, our attorneys sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the CDC asking how many people in the U.S. had been re-infected with Covid-19 – meaning those who were infected, recovered, and later became infected again. Nearl…
Looking for Open-Source PDF Editor
Open Source on Reddit I’ve seen a couple posts along these lines already, but they’re a few years old by this point, so I thought I’d revisit it. I’m looking for a free PDF editor. It doesn’t have to have all the bells and whistles that Adobe Acrobat has. In fact, I just need it to do a few basic things: Every option I’ve come across so far either only has a subset …
ParMOO: A Python library for parallel multiobjective simulation optimization
Journal of Open Source Software …
100 Seconds to Midnight
Open Source with Christopher Lydon

On the famous clock-face of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the time now is 100 seconds before midnight. Meaning: humankind is closer to nuclear doomsday than it’s ever been. But it’s worse than that: those educated alarmists at the Bulletin advanced the second-hand on their clock before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February. It’s a fiasco …
Join upcoming hackathon “Get plugged into education!” with Moodle
Open Source Initiative blogs ‘Get plugged into education!’ with Moodle will be the first project in a series of hackathons part of a joint initiative launched by The United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) and the Directorate-General for Informatics of European Commission (DG DIGIT).
Voices of Open Source: Join upcoming hackathon “Get plugged into education!” with Moodle
Open Source Initiative aggregator ‘Get plugged into education!’ with Moodle will be the first project in a series of hackathons part of a joint initiative launched by The United Nations Office of Information and Communications Technology (OICT) and the Directorate-General for Informatics of European Commission (DG DIGIT).