rpki-client 8.4 released
Version 8.4
has been
released, with a number of improvements and new features:
8.4 has just been released and will be available in the rpki-client directory of any OpenBSD mirror soon. rpki-client is a FREE, easy-to-use implementation of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) for Relying Parties (RP) to facilitate validation of BGP announcements. The program queries the global RPKI repository system and validates untrusted network inputs. The program outputs validated ROA payloads, BGPsec Router keys, and ASPA payloads in configuration formats suitable for OpenBGPD and BIRD, and supports emitting CSV and JSON for consumption by other routing stacks.
Understanding the business value of the OSPO
Open source software has become ubiquitous in the technology field, and organizations are realizing the benefits of working with open source projects and communities. To ensure the sustainability and growth of these projects, as an organization, it’s crucial to provide them with the necessary support, including funding, contributions, and the implementation of open source best practices.
The post Understanding the business value of the OSPO appeared first on Linux.com.
Ready to try Mastodon? Here’s how to get started
Mastodon has been around since 2016, but not until recently has it emerged as a popular alternative to Twitter. Like Firefox, Mastodon is open-sourced, so it’s built on a foundation of transparency and accessibility to all. It’s also decentralized, which means it’s powered by different communities and doesn’t answer to one entity or a bunch […]
The post Ready to try Mastodon? Here’s how to get started appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
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