Video by via Dailymotion Source Track/Circuit: Daytona International Speedway (Tri-Oval Circuit)Country: Florida, United StatesCar: 2016 Ford Fusion Stockar (Air Bubbles #24)Class: GT A, One Make RaceEvent Duration: 10 LapsNo. of Entrants: 30Day Condition: NightWeather Condition: ClearFinishing Pos: 26th Go to Source
Open Arms, Gasparri Attentato negare l’informativa al Senato
Video by via Dailymotion Source -Grazie per aver guardato il video-Aiutami come + segui questo canale + condividi questo video-Grazie mille#Salvini #Mario_Draghi #Giorgia_MeloniL’affaire Open Arms revient au Parlement le 30 juillet 2020 dans la salle Palazzo Madame a accordé des autorisations à procéder contre alors Matteo Salvini, ministre de l’Intérieur un feu vert grâce auquel…
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Specbee: Starterkit Theme in Drupal 10: Implementing a Better Starting Point for your Theme
Ashutosh Ahirwal
06 Dec, 2022
Frontend developers and themers have some exciting news coming up with the release of Drupal 10. The new starterkit theme is almost here! Although it has been available for testing since Drupal 9.5.
Starting with the basics, let’s talk about themes. Themes are basically the foundation of the entire layout and design of your Drupal website. It is the layer of the website which is seen by end users and it comprises design components like color palettes, font, headers, footers, and other aesthetics of the site.
Now, sub-theming has been a core part of Drupal for a very long time. Sub-theming is the process of inheriting a parent theme’s resources. Creating a sub-theme in Drupal has generally been a manual process by typically inheriting from a core theme (Classy) or any contributed theme to use readily available markup and styling. Drupal Starter kit will completely change the perspective of sub-theming for developers. Read on to find out how and also learn to implement the new Starterkit theme.
Why use the Starterkit Theme
Drupal has been providing the ability to subtheme for a while now. But recently we all have noticed that the Classy theme has not been receiving any updates since Drupal 8.0.0 because it needs to maintain backward compatibility and any changes made might break it.
When you sub-theme a core theme, it uses the common markup and CSS of the parent theme. And if your Drupal site is dependent on a base theme like Classy, you will not have very few options to make any changes because Classy needs to retain backward compatibility. For that reason, the new concept of a Starterkit theme has been introduced in Drupal 10 core.
Features of the New Starterkit
Drupal has introduced Starterkit in branch 10.0.x and the version is 10.0.0-beta1. It has replaced Classy which is now a contributed project.
- As the name suggests, Starterkit will act as a starting point to generate themes. It does not need to be extended as a base theme but rather copied onto the new theme.
- Drupal will provide frequent updates on the default markup and CSS in core so that these features will help Front-end developers.
- Sub-theming will still be an existing option to create subthemes. This is important in cases where themes are inheriting some common CSS and markup from the base Drupal theme.
- If a theme is already using the classy theme, it can continue doing so with the contributed classy theme, which will be the same as using the core Classy theme.
- You can generate a new theme using the command line interface tool.
Generating a new theme using CLI
Run this command in the respective (Drupal, docroot, web) folder to create a theme inside the theme folder.
php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme my_new_theme
Add your theme name in place of my_new_theme.
php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme test
On running this command, the theme is generated outside of the custom folder.
So to generate themes inside the custom folder, you will need to add the path of the file folder like so:
php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme test --path themes/custom
The output will look like this:
To see all configuration options, you can reference the help:
php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme --help
Customizing the Starterkit
Starterkit tools provide the freedom to use a contributed or custom theme as the parent theme. For this, you need to add source_theme_name in the command line (which can you get from –help) and then add starterkit: true; in the theme in which you want as create a starter theme or sub-theme. (Remove starterkit: true; after generating the theme)
So finally, the command will look like this:
php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme my_new_them --path [path_of_file_folder] --starterkit source_theme_name
php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme demotheme --path theme/custom --starterkit bartik
And the theme will look like this:
This theme is generated using Bartik theme and can be checked in the info.yml file of the theme
You can change the generated theme name, code, files, etc according to the requirements.
Tracking upstream changes
When the theme is generated, you need to check for any upcoming changes in the Starterkit core, especially about features, bug fixes, etc. This is also important when you are using starterkit as your base theme
- Check the version of the core Starterkit theme
When you have generated a theme from Drupal core you need to check the version of the starterkit. You can check for it in the info.yml file in the generator key.
generator: starterkit_theme:9.3.0
With this you can now compare the version of the theme using Git or Drupal core repository.
git diff
git diff 9.3.0 9.4.0 core/themes/classy/
- Check the list of theme changes by issue
If you find too many issues then you can review the changes from the list. Check the list of issues by using the below command:
git log
git log 9.4.0 9.3.0 core/themes/classy/
Final Thoughts
There’s so much to look forward to in Drupal 10 with the Starterkit being a significant enhancement, especially for frontend developers. Enhancements and problem-solvers like the Starterkit proves that Drupal is a truly continuously evolving CMS and is on the right path to making it easier to adopt. As a purely Drupal development company, you can trust our experts to implement Drupal in the best way possible for your next project. We’d love to talk!
Ruby 3.2.0 RC 1 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.2.0-rc1. Ruby 3.2 adds many features and performance improvements.
WASI based WebAssembly support
This is an initial port of WASI based WebAssembly support. This enables a CRuby binary to be available on a Web browser, a Serverless Edge environment, or other kinds of WebAssembly/WASI embedders. Currently this port passes basic and bootstrap test suites not using the Thread API.
WebAssembly (Wasm) was originally introduced to run programs safely and fast in web browsers. But its objective – running programs efficiently with security on various environment – is long wanted not only for web but also by general applications.
WASI (The WebAssembly System Interface) is designed for such use cases. Though such applications need to communicate with operating systems, WebAssembly runs on a virtual machine which didn’t have a system interface. WASI standardizes it.
WebAssembly/WASI support in Ruby intends to leverage those projects. It enables Ruby developers to write applications which run on such promised platforms.
Use case
This support encourages developers to utilize CRuby in a WebAssembly environment. An example use case is TryRuby playground’s CRuby support. Now you can try original CRuby in your web browser.
Technical points
Today’s WASI and WebAssembly itself is missing some features to implement Fiber, exception, and GC because it’s still evolving, and also for security reasons. So CRuby fills the gap by using Asyncify, which is a binary transformation technique to control execution in userland.
In addition, we built a VFS on top of WASI so that we can easily pack Ruby apps into a single .wasm file. This makes distribution of Ruby apps a bit easier.
Related links
Regexp improvements against ReDoS
It is known that Regexp matching may take unexpectedly long. If your code attempts to match a possibly inefficient Regexp against an untrusted input, an attacker may exploit it for efficient Denial of Service (so-called Regular expression DoS, or ReDoS).
We have introduced two improvements that significantly mitigate ReDoS.
Improved Regexp matching algorithm
Since Ruby 3.2, Regexp’s matching algorithm has been greatly improved by using a memoization technique.
# This match takes 10 sec. in Ruby 3.1, and 0.003 sec. in Ruby 3.2
/^a*b?a*$/ =~ "a" * 50000 + "x"
The improved matching algorithm allows most Regexp matching (about 90% in our experiments) to be completed in linear time.
(For preview users: this optimization may consume memory proportional to the input length for each match. We expect no practical problems to arise because this memory allocation is usually delayed, and a normal Regexp match should consume at most 10 times as much memory as the input length. If you run out of memory when matching Regexps in a real-world application, please report it.)
The original proposal is
Regexp timeout
The optimization above cannot be applied to some kind of regular expressions, such as those including advanced features (e.g., back-references or look-around), or with a huge fixed number of repetitions. As a fallback measure, a timeout feature for Regexp matches is also introduced.
Regexp.timeout = 1.0
/^a*b?a*()1$/ =~ "a" * 50000 + "x"
#=> Regexp::TimeoutError is raised in one second
Note that Regexp.timeout
is a global configuration. If you want to use different timeout settings for some special Regexps, you may want to use the timeout
keyword for
Regexp.timeout = 1.0
# This regexp has no timeout
long_time_re ="^a*b?a*()1$", timeout: Float::INFINITY)
long_time_re =~ "a" * 50000 + "x" # never interrupted
The original proposal is
Other Notable New Features
The feature of
) is integrated into Ruby. This helps you find the position of errors such as missing or superfluousend
s, to get you back on your way faster, such as in the following example:Unmatched `end', missing keyword (`do', `def`, `if`, etc.) ? 1 class Dog > 2 defbark > 4 end 5 end
- Now it points at the relevant argument(s) for TypeError and ArgumentError
test.rb:2:in `+': nil can't be coerced into Integer (TypeError)
sum = ary[0] + ary[1]
Anonymous rest and keyword rest arguments can now be passed as
arguments, instead of just used in method parameters.
[Feature #18351]def foo(*) bar(*) end def baz(**) quux(**) end
A proc that accepts a single positional argument and keywords will
no longer autosplat. [Bug #18633]proc{|a, **k| a}.call([1, 2]) # Ruby 3.1 and before # => 1 # Ruby 3.2 and after # => [1, 2]
Constant assignment evaluation order for constants set on explicit
objects has been made consistent with single attribute assignment
evaluation order. With this code:foo::BAR = baz
is now called beforebaz
. Similarly, for multiple assignments
to constants, left-to-right evaluation order is used. With this
code:foo1::BAR1, foo2::BAR2 = baz1, baz2
The following evaluation order is now used:
The find pattern is no longer experimental.
[Feature #18585] -
Methods taking a rest parameter (like
) and wishing to delegate keyword
arguments throughfoo(*args)
must now be marked withruby2_keywords
(if not already the case). In other words, all methods wishing to delegate
keyword arguments through*args
must now be marked withruby2_keywords
with no exception. This will make it easier to transition to other ways of
delegation once a library can require Ruby 3+. Previously, theruby2_keywords
flag was kept if the receiving method took*args
, but this was a bug and an
inconsistency. A good technique to find potentially missingruby2_keywords
is to run the test suite, find the last method which must
receive keyword arguments for each place where the test suite fails, and useputs nil, caller, nil
there. Then check that each
method/block on the call chain which must delegate keywords is correctly marked
. [Bug #18625] [Bug #16466]def target(**kw) end # Accidentally worked without ruby2_keywords in Ruby 2.7-3.1, ruby2_keywords # needed in 3.2+. Just like (*args, **kwargs) or (...) would be needed on # both #foo and #bar when migrating away from ruby2_keywords. ruby2_keywords def bar(*args) target(*args) end ruby2_keywords def foo(*args) bar(*args) end foo(k: 1)
Performance improvements
- YJIT now supports both x86-64 and arm64/aarch64 CPUs on Linux, MacOS, BSD and other UNIX platforms.
- This release brings support for Mac M1/M2, AWS Graviton and Raspberry Pi 4 ARM64 processors.
- Building YJIT requires Rust 1.58.0+. [Feature #18481]
- In order to ensure that CRuby is built with YJIT, please install rustc >= 1.58.0 and
. - Please reach out to the YJIT team should you run into any issues.
- In order to ensure that CRuby is built with YJIT, please install rustc >= 1.58.0 and
- Physical memory for JIT code is lazily allocated. Unlike Ruby 3.1,
the RSS of a Ruby process is minimized because virtual memory pages
allocated by--yjit-exec-mem-size
will not be mapped to physical
memory pages until actually utilized by JIT code. - Introduce Code GC that frees all code pages when the memory consumption
by JIT code reaches--yjit-exec-mem-size
.- RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats returns Code GC metrics in addition to
, andfreed_code_size
- RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats returns Code GC metrics in addition to
- Most of the statistics produced by RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats are now available in release builds.
- Simply run ruby with
to compute stats (incurs some run-time overhead).
- Simply run ruby with
- YJIT is now optimized to take advantage of object shapes. [Feature #18776]
- Take advantage of finer-grained constant invalidation to invalidate less code when defining new constants. [Feature #18589]
- The MJIT compiler is re-implemented in Ruby as a standard library
. - MJIT compiler is executed under a forked Ruby process instead of
doing it in a native thread called MJIT worker. [[Feature #18968]]- As a result, Microsoft Visual Studio (MSWIN) is no longer supported.
- MinGW is no longer supported. [[Feature #18824]]
- Rename
. - Change default
back from 10000 to 100.
Bundler 2.4 now uses PubGrab resolver instead of Molinillo.
- PubGrab is the next generation solving algorithm used by
package manager for the Dart programming language. - You may get different resolution result after this change. Please report such cases to RubyGems/Bundler issues
- PubGrab is the next generation solving algorithm used by
RubyGems still uses Molinillo resolver in Ruby 3.2. We plan to replace it with PubGrab in the future.
Other notable changes since 3.1
- Hash
- Hash#shift now always returns nil if the hash is
empty, instead of returning the default value or
calling the default proc. [Bug #16908]
- Hash#shift now always returns nil if the hash is
- MatchData
- MatchData#byteoffset has been added. [Feature #13110]
- Module
- Module.used_refinements has been added. [Feature #14332]
- Module#refinements has been added. [Feature #12737]
- Module#const_added has been added. [Feature #17881]
- Proc
- Proc#dup returns an instance of subclass. [Bug #17545]
- Proc#parameters now accepts lambda keyword. [Feature #15357]
- Refinement
- Refinement#refined_class has been added. [Feature #12737]
- RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree
- Add
option forparse
. [[Feature #19013]]
- Add
- Set
- Set is now available as a builtin class without the need for
require "set"
. [Feature #16989]
It is currently autoloaded via theSet
constant or a call toEnumerable#to_set
- Set is now available as a builtin class without the need for
- String
- String#byteindex and String#byterindex have been added. [Feature #13110]
- Update Unicode to Version 15.0.0 and Emoji Version 15.0. [Feature #18639]
(also applies to Regexp) - String#bytesplice has been added. [Feature #18598]
- Struct
- A Struct class can also be initialized with keyword arguments
withoutkeyword_init: true
[Feature #16806]
- A Struct class can also be initialized with keyword arguments
Compatibility issues
Note: Excluding feature bug fixes.
Removed constants
The following deprecated constants are removed.
[Feature #12005]Random::DEFAULT
[Feature #17351]Struct::Group
Removed methods
The following deprecated methods are removed.
[Feature #17391]File.exists?
[Feature #17391]Kernel#=~
[Feature #15231]Kernel#taint
[Feature #16131]Kernel#trust
[Feature #16131]
Stdlib compatibility issues
No longer bundle 3rd party sources
We no longer bundle 3rd party sources like
libyaml source has been removed from psych. You may need to install
with Ubuntu/Debian platfrom. The package name is different for each platform. -
Bundled libffi source is also removed from
Psych and fiddle supported static builds with specific versions of libyaml and libffi sources. You can build psych with libyaml-0.2.5 like this:
$ ./configure --with-libyaml-source-dir=/path/to/libyaml-0.2.5
And you can build fiddle with libffi-3.4.4 like this:
$ ./configure --with-libffi-source-dir=/path/to/libffi-3.4.4
C API updates
Updated C APIs
The following APIs are updated.
- PRNG update
updated and versioned.
Extension libraries which use this interface and built for older versions.
function needs to be defined.
Removed C APIs
The following deprecated APIs are removed.
variable.- “taintedness” and “trustedness” functions. [Feature #16131]
Standard library updates
- The following default gems are updated.
- RubyGems
- benchmark 0.2.1
- bigdecimal 3.1.3
- bundler
- cgi 0.3.6
- date 3.3.0
- delegate 0.3.0
- did_you_mean 1.6.2
- digest 3.1.1
- drb 2.1.1
- erb 4.0.2
- error_highlight 0.5.1
- etc 1.4.1
- fcntl 1.0.2
- fiddle 1.1.1
- fileutils 1.7.0
- forwardable 1.3.3
- getoptlong 0.2.0
- io-console 0.5.11
- io-nonblock 0.2.0
- io-wait 0.3.0.pre
- ipaddr 1.2.5
- irb 1.5.1
- json 2.6.2
- logger 1.5.2
- mutex_m 0.1.2
- net-http 0.3.1
- net-protocol 0.2.0
- nkf 0.1.2
- open-uri 0.3.0
- openssl 3.1.0.pre
- optparse 0.3.0
- ostruct 0.5.5
- pathname 0.2.1
- pp 0.4.0
- pstore 0.1.2
- psych 5.0.0
- racc 1.6.1
- rdoc 6.5.0
- reline 0.3.1
- resolv 0.2.2
- securerandom 0.2.1
- set 1.0.3
- stringio 3.0.3
- syntax_suggest 1.0.1
- timeout 0.3.1
- tmpdir 0.1.3
- tsort 0.1.1
- un 0.2.1
- uri 0.12.0
- win32ole 1.8.9
- zlib 3.0.0
- The following bundled gems are updated.
- minitest 5.16.3
- power_assert 2.0.2
- test-unit 3.5.5
- net-ftp 0.2.0
- net-imap 0.3.1
- net-pop 0.1.2
- net-smtp 0.3.3
- rbs 2.8.1
- typeprof 0.21.3
- debug 1.7.0
or commit logs
for more details.
With those changes, 2846 files changed, 203950 insertions(+), 127153 deletions(-)
since Ruby 3.1.0!
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What is Ruby
Ruby was first developed by Matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) in 1993,
and is now developed as Open Source. It runs on multiple platforms
and is used all over the world especially for web development.
Posted by naruse on 6 Dec 2022