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Andy Wingo: the sticky mark-bit algorithm
Good day, hackfolk!
The Sticky Mark-Bit Algorithm
Also an intro to mark-sweep GC
7 Oct 2022 – Igalia
Andy Wingo
A funny post today; I gave an internal presentation at work recently
describing the so-called “sticky mark bit” algorithm. I figured I might
as well post it here, as a gift to you from your local garbage human.
Automatic Memory Management
“Don’t free, the system will do it for you”
Eliminate a class of bugs: use-after-free
Relative to bare malloc/free, qualitative performance improvements
- cheap bump-pointer allocation
- cheap reclamation/recycling
- better locality
Continuum: bmalloc / tcmalloc grow towards GC
Before diving in though, we start with some broad context about
automatic memory management. The term mostly means “garbage
collection” these days, but really it describes a component of a system
that provides fresh memory for new objects and automatically reclaims memory for objects that won’t be needed in the program’s future. This stands in
contrast to manual memory management, which relies on the programmer
to free their objects.
Of course, automatic memory management ensures some valuable system-wide
properties, like lack of use-after-free
vulnerabilities. But also by
enlarging the scope of the memory management system to include full
object lifetimes, we gain some potential speed benefits, for example
eliminating any cost for free, in the case of e.g. a semi-space
Automatic Memory Management
Two strategies to determine live object graph
- Reference counting
- Tracing
What to do if you trace
- Mark, and then sweep or compact
- Evacuate
Tracing O(n) in live object count
I should mention that reference counting is a form of automatic memory
management. It’s not enough on its own; unreachable cycles in the object reference
graph have to be detected either by a heap tracer or broken by weak references.
It used to be that we GC nerds made fun of reference counting as being
an expensive, half-assed solution that didn’t work very well, but there have been
some fundamental advances in the state of the
art in
the last 10 years or so.
But this talk is more about the other kind of memory management, which
involves periodically tracing the graph of objects in the heap.
Generally speaking, as you trace you can do one of two things: mark
the object, simply setting a bit indicating that an object is live, or
evacuate the object to some other location. If you mark, you may
choose to then compact by sliding all objects down to lower addresses,
squeezing out any holes, or you might sweep all holes into a free list
for use by further allocations.
Mark-sweep GC (1/3)
freelist := [] allocate(): if freelist is empty: collect() return freelist.pop() collect(): mark() sweep() if freelist is empty: abort
Concretely, let’s look closer at mark-sweep. Let’s assume for the
moment that all objects are the same size. Allocation pops fresh
objects off a freelist, and collects if there is none. Collection does
a mark and then a sweep, aborting if sweeping yielded no free objects.
Mark-sweep GC (2/3)
mark(): worklist := [] for ref in get_roots(): if mark_one(ref): worklist.add(ref) while worklist is not empty: for ref in trace(worklist.pop()): if mark_one(ref): worklist.add(ref) sweep(): for ref in heap: if marked(ref): unmark_one(ref) else freelist.add(ref)
Going a bit deeper, here we have some basic implementations of mark
and sweep. Marking starts with the roots: edges from outside the
automatically-managed heap indicating a set of initial live objects.
You might get these by maintaining a stack of objects that are currently
in use. Then it traces references from these roots to other objects,
until there are no more references to trace. It will visit each live
object exactly once, and so is O(n) in the number of live objects.
Sweeping requires the ability to iterate the heap. With the
precondition here that collect is only ever called with an empty
freelist, it will clear the mark bit from each live object it sees, and
otherwise add newly-freed objects to the global freelist. Sweep is O(n)
in total heap size, but some optimizations can amortize this cost.
Mark-sweep GC (3/3)
marked := 1 get_tag(ref): return *(uintptr_t*)ref set_tag(ref, tag): *(uintptr_t*)ref = tag marked(ref): return (get_tag(ref) & 1) == marked mark_one(ref): if marked(ref): return false; set_tag(ref, (get_tag(ref) & ~1) | marked) return true unmark_one(ref): set_tag(ref, (get_tag(ref) ^ 1))
Finally, some details on how you might represent a mark bit. If a ref
is a pointer, we could store the mark bit in the first word of the
objects, as we do here. You can choose instead to store them in a side
table, but it doesn’t matter for today’s example.
Freelist implementation crucial to allocation speed
Non-contiguous allocation suboptimal for locality
World is stopped during collect(): “GC pause”
mark O(n) in live data, sweep O(n) in total heap size
Touches a lot of memory
The salient point is that these O(n) operations happen when the world is
stopped. This can be noticeable, even taking seconds for the largest
heap sizes. It sure would be nice to have the benefits of GC, but with
lower pause times.
Optimization: rotate mark bit
flip(): marked ^= 1 collect(): flip() mark() sweep() if freelist is empty: abort unmark_one(ref): pass
Avoid touching mark bits for live data
Incidentally, before moving on, I should mention an optimization to mark
bit representation: instead of clearing the mark bit for live objects
during the sweep phase, we could just choose to flip our interpretation
of what the mark bit means. This allows unmark_one to become a no-op.
Reducing pause time
Parallel tracing: parallelize mark. Clear improvement, but speedup depends on object graph shape (e.g. linked lists).
Concurrent tracing: mark while your program is running. Tricky, and not always a win (“Retrofitting Parallelism onto OCaml”, ICFP 2020).
Partial tracing: mark only a subgraph. Divide space into regions, record inter-region links, collect one region only. Overhead to keep track of inter-region edges.
Now, let’s revisit the pause time question. What can we do about it?
In general there are three strategies.
Generational GC
Partial tracing
Two spaces: nursery and oldgen
Allocations in nursery (usually)
Objects can be promoted/tenured from nursery to oldgen
Minor GC: just trace the nursery
Major GC: trace nursery and oldgen
“Objects tend to die young”
Overhead of old-to-new edges offset by less amortized time spent tracing
Today’s talk is about partial tracing. The basic idea is that instead
of tracing the whole graph, just trace a part of it, ideally a small
A simple and effective strategy for partitioning a heap into subgraphs
is generational garbage collection. The idea is that objects tend to
die young, and that therefore it can be profitable to focus attention on
collecting objects that were allocated more recently. You therefore
partition the heap graph into two parts, young and old, and you
generally try to trace just the young generation.
The difficulty with partitioning the heap graph is that you need to
maintain a set of inter-partition edges, and you do so by imposing
overhead on the user program. But a generational partition minimizes
this cost because you never have to collect just the old generation, so
you don’t need to remember new-to-old edges, and mutations of old
objects are less common than new.
Generational GC
Usual implementation: semispace nursery and mark-compact oldgen
Tenuring via evacuation from nursery to oldgen
Excellent locality in nursery
Very cheap allocation (bump-pointer)
But… evacuation requires all incoming edges to an object to be updated to new location
Requires precise enumeration of all edges
Usually the generational partition is reflected in the address space:
there is a nursery and it is in these pages and an oldgen in these other
pages, and never the twain shall meet. To tenure an object is to
actually move it from the nursery to the old generation. But moving
objects requires that the collector be able to enumerate all incoming
edges to that object, and then to have the collector update them, which
can be a bit of a hassle.
No precise stack roots, neither in generated nor C++ code
Compare to V8’s Handle<> in C++, stack maps in generated code
Stack roots conservative: integers that happen to hold addresses of objects treated as object graph edges
(Cheaper implementation strategy, can eliminate some bugs)
Specifically in JavaScriptCore, the JavaScript engine of WebKit and the
Safari browser, we have a problem. JavaScriptCore uses a technique
known as “conservative root-finding”: it just iterates over the words in
a thread’s stack to see if any of those words might reference an object
on the heap. If they do, JSC conservatively assumes that it is indeed a
reference, and keeps that object live.
Of course a given word on the stack could just be an integer which
happens to be an object’s address. In that case we would hold on to too
much data, but that’s not so terrible.
Conservative root-finding is again one of those things that GC nerds
like to make fun of, but the pendulum seems to be swinging back its way;
perhaps another article on that some other day.
Automatic memory management eliminates use-after-free…
…except when combined with manual memory management
Prevent type confusion due to reuse of memory for object of different shape
addrof/fakeobj primitives:
Type-segregated heaps
No evacuation: no generational GC?
The other thing about JSC is that it is constantly under attack by
malicious web sites, and that any bug in it is a step towards hackers
taking over your phone. Besides bugs inside JSC, there are bugs also in
the objects exposed to JavaScript from the web UI. Although
use-after-free bugs are impossible with a fully traceable object graph,
references to and from DOM objects break this precondition.
In brief, there seems to be a decent case for trying to mitigate
use-after-free bugs. Beyond the nuclear option of not freeing, one step
we could take would be to avoid re-using memory between objects of
different shapes. So you have a heap for objects with 3 fields, another
objects with 4 fields, and so on.
But it would seem that this mitigation is at least somewhat incompatible
with the usual strategy of generational collection, where we use a
semi-space nursery. The nursery memory gets re-used all the time for
all kinds of objects. So does that rule out generational collection?
Sticky mark bit algorithm
collect(is_major=false): if is_major: flip() mark(is_major) sweep() if freelist is empty: if is_major: abort collect(true) mark(is_major): worklist := [] if not is_major: worklist += remembered_set remembered_set := [] ...
Turns out, you can generationally partition a mark-sweep heap.
The trick is that you just don’t clear the mark bit when you start a
minor collection (just the nursery). In that way all objects that were
live at the previous collection are considered the old generation.
Marking an object is tenuring, in-place.
There are just two tiny modifications to mark-sweep to implement sticky
mark bit collection: one, flip the mark bit only on major collections;
and two, include a remembered set in the roots for minor collections.
Sticky mark bit algorithm
Mark bit from previous trace “sticky”: avoid flip for minor collections
Consequence: old objects not traced, as they are already marked
Old-to-young edges: the “remembered set”
Write barrier
write_field(object, offset, value): remember(object) object[offset] = value
The remembered set is maintained by instrumenting each write that the
program makes with a little call out to code from the garbage collector.
This code is the write barrier, and here we use it to add to the set
of objects that might reference new objects. There are many ways to
implement this write barrier but that’s a topic for another day.
Parallel GC: Multiple collector threads
Concurrent GC: mark runs while JS program running; “riptide”; interaction with write barriers
Generational GC: in-place, non-moving GC generational via sticky mark bit algorithm
Alan Demers, “Combining generational and conservative garbage collection: framework and implementations”, POPL ’90
So returning to JavaScriptCore and the general techniques for reducing
pause times, I can summarize to note that it does them all. It traces
both in parallel and concurrently, and it tries to trace just
newly-allocated objects using the sticky mark bit algorithm.
A little-used algorithm
Motivation for JSC: conservative roots
Original motivation: conservative roots; write barrier enforced by OS-level page protections
Revived in “Sticky Immix”
Better than nothing, not quite as good as semi-space nursery
I find that people that are interested in generational GC go straight
for the semispace nursery. There are some advantages to that approach:
allocation is generally cheaper in a semispace than in a mark space,
locality among new objects is better, locality after tenuring is better, and
you have better access locality during a nursery collection.
But if for some reason you find yourself unable to enumerate all roots,
you can still take advantage of generational collection via the sticky
mark-bit algorithm. It’s a simple change that improves performance, as
long as you are able to insert write barriers on all heap object mutations.
The challenge with a sticky-mark-bit approach to generations is avoiding the O(n) sweep phase. There are a few strategies, but more on that another day perhaps.
And with that, presentation done. Until next time, happy hacking!
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