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Anwar open to working with those who agree with reform agenda
At a press conference in PKR headquarters earlier, the Pakatan Harapan chairperson indicated that the coalition’s door was not completely shut to the two former prime ministers.
However, he stressed that Harapan would only accept those who can commit to its principles.
Ramsalt Lab: DrupalCon Prague 2022 – Top recommendations by Ramsalt!
DrupalCon Prague 2022 – Top recommendations by Ramsalt!

After two years, it was finally time to continue Ramsalt’s one of the most exciting traditions and meet the Drupal community in person again at DrupalCon Prague 2022. Ramsalt had 11 of its team members joining the event in Prague and just as many were attending it virtually. Based on our team’s experience, we have picked out our top recommendations for you from this year’s big event.
Keynote: Growing your business
Pavlina shared facts and practical ideas that can help businesses to scale their operations. Like; the number one blocker for innovation is internal communication. To overcome this blocker, do 1 to 1 meetings with the team twice a month. Feedback to the team daily and over communicate. Anyone interested in company development should watch this presentation.
–Yngve Bergheim, CEO and Stephan Zeidler CTA
How Drupal 10 will make you fall in love with Drupal theming
This presentation was really awesome, I loved every bit of it. Mainly, it will make developers’ life much easier while developing drupal 10 themes or twig debugging and a one-click twig debugger enabling feature. Also, it supports some of the unique features like adding twig suggestions without using any hook. It includes support for single-file components which will be a big win for developers
Also, it will include modern CSS properties like all: revert so you don’t have to reset each CSS property one by one, which can reduce CSS code.
–Neslee Canil Pinto, Drupal developer
Conflict management
The customer is always right… except when they are not! Building collaborative partnerships and handling conflict in digital projects. | DrupalCon
This presentation focused on conflict management and wrong expectations in client projects. The key takeaway was to establish four fundamentals: transparency, communication, structure, and documentation. There were a lot of steps and best practices mentioned to prevent overpromising and escalations. Every PM should take this into account for their day-to-day client work.
–Nina Holzapfel, project manager
Drupal theming improvements coming to Drupal 10
Off of a blog post called “Level Up Your Twiggery” written by Hawkeye Tenderwolf from Lullabot, some of the ideas shared here is finding their way to the Drupal world, which is neat and saves you quite a lot of time and a lot of unneeded markups you can skip. The cool thing is the `|as` filter, which drupal turned into `|add_suggestion` which I believe the actual `|as` name would’ve been better, regardless it’s cool to see it in Drupal.
–Sohail Lajevardi, Frontend Engineer
Mind the last 20%!!!
Bendev had an interesting talk about managing time in projects and the experiences of other teams in their efforts to keep projects on time and schedule. Especially how using time on discovery in the early stages of the project we can mitigate much of the problems that can arise in the end stages of a project.
–Helge Notø, Project Manager
Reimagining text editing with CKEditor
Upgrading from CKEditor 4 is simple and lossless. It is now possible to make inline edits. There are more options for aligning images with or without text flowing around them. The module will be default in core from version 9.5. There is no longer support for using the editor on IE11. The presentation also touched on having stylesheets for CKEditor 5 as an option. The use case could be to have the styling in the editor look more like how the styling is on the published content.
It is recommended for developers that work with site-building to have an overview of these new features as well as to know other editors (such as Gutenberg). The new version of CKEditor 5 seems to have a bit more in common with GB when it comes to UI. It’s also nice to know some of this if you’re involved in the support or training of client users.
–Jon Simonsen, Frontend developer
How to create a Kubernetes operator
The Kubernetes Operator Framework is an open source toolkit that manages Kubernetes operators in an effective, automated, and scalable way. Read More at Enable Sysadmin
The post How to create a Kubernetes operator appeared first on
A longtime NPR education reporter on her favorite corners of the internet
Here at Mozilla, we are the first to admit the internet isn’t perfect, but we are also quick to point out that the internet is pretty darn magical. The internet opens up doors and opportunities, allows for people to connect with others, and lets everyone find where they belong — their corners of the internet. […]
The post A longtime NPR education reporter on her favorite corners of the internet appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
GNU Health: Happy birthday, GNU Health!
On a day like this, October 12th, 2008, I registered the “Medical” project at SourceForge. Fourteen years later, GNU Health has become the Libre digital health ecosystem used by governments, hospitals, laboratories, research institutions and health professionals around the globe.
I want to sincerely thank all the professionals who believed in the project since early on… from small clinics in the African rain forest, to many public primary care institutions in Argentina, to the largest hospital in India and Asia (AIIMS).

Institutions such as the University of Entre Rios in Argentina, Leibniz University Hanover, the United Nations Institute for Global Health, the World Health organization and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Digital Public Goods Alliance, have helped the GNU Health project, by providing training, implementations or valuable resources in areas related to coding standards and medical genetics.

Many thanks to our sponsors, particularly Thymbra and openSUSE who have been supporting GNU Health since day one, sponsoring our annual congress (GNUHealthCon). In addition, openSUSE has donated raspberry pi devices for development and for implementation projects, as well as packaging GNU Health for their distribution. Thank you Fosshost, for all this years of hosting the GNU Health HMIS and the BigBlueButton for our conferences!
Thank you European Open Source Observatory Repository (OSOR) / Joinup and the Free Software Foundation Europe for your work in making GNU Health a reality in Europe, specially in the Public Health sector.
Immense gratitude to the GNU operating system, particularly, to Richard Stallman -father of the Free Software movement- who in 2011 declared GNU Health an official GNU project. Since that day, all the components of the GH ecosystem are hosted in Savannah.

The GNU Health ecosystem would not exist today without the Libre Software community. Excellent Libre projects like Tryton, LibreOffice, PostgreSQL, Flask, Python, GNUPG, Apache, and many others make GNU Health a reality. We’re so happy to count with our sister community Orthanc, a great Libre Medical Imaging project that makes the perfect GNU Health partner in hospital settings and diagnostic imaging.
Last but not least: Thank you to the core team and to the community around the world: Developers, testers, translators, artists, documentation team, podcasters and journalists … I can not name you all… but the success of GNU Health belongs to you.
On a day like this, 14 years ago, the revolution for freedom and equity in healthcare began. And this is just starting…. at GNU Solidario, we’ll keep on advancing Social Medicine, and fighting so health remains a non-negotiable human right, no matter where you live. After all, GNU Health is a Social project with a little bit of technology behind.
Happy and Healthy hacking!
Luis Falcón
(Original document:
Ram mandir in minecraft
Video by via Dailymotion Source Hi AK here DISCLAIMER: This live stream / video is for fun and entertainment purposes only. We have a minecraft server, so you can join and see our huge builds like ”Raigad, Pandharpur, Hanuman Statue, etc, Server IP- Instagram-… Tags- Ram mandir in minecraft,ram temple in minecraft,ayodhya ram…
10 – Texture and Materials – ThreeJS Hindi Tutorials for Beginners
Video by via Dailymotion Source HI Learners,Today we shall discuss about Points materials in Threejs Project.You can follow me on instagram for any queries about this series. Full ThreeJS Playlist – Instagram – @codingbaaz Go to Source