Matt Glaman: ReactPHP for Drupal deployments and workers
I recently held a live stream where I walked through the continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) of a Drupal project to DigitalOcean’s App Platform and other CI/CD items. App Platform has its quirks, but it’s simple to build an application with various components. My project, Whiskey Dex, builds a Docker image that pushes to my container registry and then updates my App Platform manifest to use the new image tag, triggering a deployment.
Allemagne : des panneaux solaires qui ne résistent pas au soleil
Video by via Dailymotion Source Aussi paradoxal que cela puisse paraître, plus le soleil brille et plus l’installation photovoltaïque de l’entrepreneur allemand Jens Husemann a toutes les chances d’être déconnectée du réseau électrique, un gâchis de courant pourtant si précieux en ces temps de crise énergétique. « Il y a des coupures tous les jours…
Don’t deny it, you’re involved in LCS project, Liew tells Zahid
Video by via Dailymotion Source Liew Chin Tong says former deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi must not shirk his responsibility and instead provide answers to the people immediately. Read More: Laporan Lanjut: Free Malaysia Today is an independent, bi-lingual news portal with a focus on Malaysian current affairs. Subscribe to our channel –…
Ehsaas Telethon – Flood Relief – 7th August 2022 – Part 2 – ARY Qtv
Video by via Dailymotion Source Subscribe Here : Ehsaas Telethon – Muharram Appeal – Shahid Masroor #MuharramAppeal #EhsaasTelethone #ARYQtv Official Facebook : Website : ARY Qtv Live : Shedule : Information : App: App: https: Watch More Click Here: Go to Source
Wahyu OS – Senja Nan Merah (Official Lyric Video)
Video by via Dailymotion Source Album pertama sekaligus album tersukses dari Wahyu OS, “Ingin Memiliki”, selain terlaris juga bisa dibilang sebagai album terbaik dari pria yang kini sibuk bertani. Sebutan “Terbaik” ini bukan mengada-ada, tetapi karena album ini memiliki lagu-lagu yang bagus, yang pantas menjadi unggulan. Salah satunya lagu “Senja Nan Merah” ini. Dapatkan Album…