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HeiTech Padu contract awarded via open tender, says Loke
Minister Anthony Loke told a press conference on Wednesday (April 17) that HeiTech Padu secured the contract based on its competitive bid of RM185.07 million and successful evaluation, refuting suggestions from some quarters that the project was offered to HeiTech Padu was established because the company’s director or shareholder has ties to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, namely Datuk Farhashwafa Salvador.
Loke said the Prime Minister and the Cabinet took a serious view of the insinuations, adding that dissatisfied parties could lodge complaints with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission for further investigation.
Display Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Fields value in a Single product page in WooCommerce.
Would you like to use the advanced custom fields for WooCommerce?
The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin is an amazing method to add custom advanced fields to your WooCommerce website.
Here’s an easy guide to help you add custom fields on WooCommerce single product pages. You can display ACF Custom Fields value with the WordPress get_post_meta function. Also in this video, you can display the ACF field value on any page or post.
We Develop Professional, Modern, Responsive, and friendly #WordPress websites and WooCommerce Websites.
We Develop Elementor, WPBakery Page Builder, Beaver Builder, and Divi Builder Websites. We Develop #WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace and dropshipping Websites.
For further information, please see Our Services:
Talking Drupal: Skills Upgrade #7
Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is episode 7.
Review Chad’s goals for the previous week
- Test Example
- Set up phpunit.xml
- Start with FrontPageLinkTest.php
Review Chad’s questions
- In the testing_example module, the file “src/Controller/TestingExampleController.php” has a function for simpletestDescription(). Is this an outdated artifact that should have been removed at some point? The module itself doesn’t appear to use Simpletest elsewhere and appears to only rely on PHPUnit.
- What do you recommend for the minimal code structure to include for any given test type? Is the Testing Example module an ideal model or are there other resources I should review? The testing reference from Selwyn was helpful.
- In the “FrontPageLinkDependenciesTest.php” setUp() function, the createContentType() function is called without specifying the type. Is that set somewhere else? I may have overlooked it. Nevermind—it’s set using randomMachineName() in the createContentType() function. Is there anything extra or standard to write in tests for
Tasks for the upcoming week
- Smart Date – Martin (maintainer) to review promptly, I’ve already chatted with him about it. Create a new functional test: “submit a range with an end time before the start and validate that an error is returned”
- Create an issue in the Smart Date queue and assign to yourself.
- Create an issue fork.
- Check out the issue fork locally.
- Write (and test) the test locally.
- Commit and push to the issue fork.
- Mark issue as “Needs review”.
- Ask someone to review – if all looks good, the reviewer will mark as RBTC.
- Smart Date – Martin (maintainer) to review promptly, I’ve already chatted with him about it. Create a new functional test: “submit a range with an end time before the start and validate that an error is returned”
Chad’s Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad’s Drupal 10 Learning Notes
The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th
AmyJune Hineline – @volkswagenchick
Chad Hester – @chadkhest Mike Anello – @ultimike
Introducing Janus a read/write proxy for ActiveRecord 7.1+
In -current, default write format for tar(1) changed to “pax”
A series of commits by Jeremie Courreges-Anglas (jca@
has modified
such that its default write format (for archives) is that of
The message with the final
captures the gist of the change:
CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2024/04/16 17:09:35 Modified files: bin/pax : options.c tar.1 Log message: Switch tar(1) write default format to 'pax' Lets us store longer file names, link names, finer grained timestamps, larger archive member files, etc; at the expense of larger uncompressed archives and less widespread support across the ecosystem. If you're unhappy with the new defaults, you can use -F ustar. Or you can help fix bugs / find a better middle ground. Prodding from various including job@ and deraadt@ ok sthen@ caspar@ millert@
Open Source in the Age of LLMs
(To read the complete publication featuring all our OSS contributions, please visit the blog) Like our parent company,’s founding story is rooted in open-source principles and community collaboration. Since our start last year, our key focus has been exploring state-of-the-art methods for evaluating and fine-tuning large-language models (LLMs). Throughout this process, we’ve […]
The post Open Source in the Age of LLMs appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.