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Innovazione: Tripoli (Unioncamere), ‘Approccio Open Innovation ha importanza globale’
Talking Drupal: Skills Upgrade #4
Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is episode 4.
Review Chad’s goals for the previous week
- Install Drush
- Setup git repo
- Examples module
Review Chad’s questions
- .gitignore
- Core file naming
Tasks for the upcoming week
- Reminder of the capstone goal: create MR for new automated test in contrib module.
- Examples module: field_example. New RGB field type with formatter and widgets. Focus on stuff in field_example/src/Plugin/Field
- Background info on Plugins:
- Focus on the following sections:
Chad’s Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad’s Drupal 10 Learning Notes
The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th
AmyJune Hineline – @volkswagenchick
Chad Hester – @chadkhest Mike Anello – @ultimike
OnStrum::Healthcheck – simple configurable application healthcheck ❤️ rack middleware
Plasma 5: the early years
Comerciales México, Enero/Febrero 1988
Video by via Dailymotion Source Banco del Atlántico Talco Efficent (Los panam) Tecate (Con Tecate todo va) NAFINSA Sección Amarilla- Oradores. Ford Thunderbird 1988 Banco Del Atlántico (Inversiones) Bimbollos Bimbo Speed Stick de Mennen Aceites ESSO (El del tigre) Sicrea Nissan Ariel con Don Chaka Chaka (Apache Version) Orion con música de Andreas Vollenweider CANADA…
Empresa é autorizada a atuar no ramo de apostas online
Video by via Dailymotion Source O Ministério da Fazenda concedeu autorização à GLI (Gaming Laboratories International) para atuar no mercado de apostas esportivas, certificando os jogos oferecidos nas plataformas online. É a primeira empresa a receber liberação para exercer essa atividade após a sanção da lei que trata do setor. Assista ao Jornal da Manhã…