Larissa May reflects on empowering the next generation’s relationship with technology
At Mozilla, we know we can’t create a better future alone, that is why each year we will be highlighting the work of 25 digital leaders using technology to amplify voices, effect change, and build new technologies globally through our Rise 25 Awards. These storytellers, innovators, activists, advocates, builders and artists are helping make the internet more diverse, […]
The post Larissa May reflects on empowering the next generation’s relationship with technology appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
Loongson 3A6000: a star among Chinese CPUs
Escola invadida, depredada e roubada cinco vezes em três meses | SOS São Paulo
Video by via Dailymotion Source A Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil (Emei) Ana Neri, localizada no Parque Novo Mundo, na Zona Norte da capital, foi invadida e furtada pela quinta vez apenas neste ano. Envie sua denúncia e reclamação para: Assista ao Jornal da Manhã completo: Baixe o app Panflix: Inscreva-se no…
Video by via Dailymotion Source Hi all! I am Agatha and you are on my YouTube channel about quotex trading & binary options strategy ! Here I talk about the most valuable and useful thing about quotex trading & binary options strategy that I have received through a lot of experience and mistakes. You have…
Woman creates miniature homes inspired from TV shows like Stranger things or Full House
Video by via Dailymotion Source A woman creates impressive miniature homes inspired from her favourite TV shows like Stranger things or Full House. Bridget McCarty, 39, spends weeks at a time carefully crafting the houses in boxes designed to look like walls with each costing up to £390 ($500). Bridge also allows her tiny hamster…
महायुद्ध Live: इलेक्टोरल बॉण्डवरुन सरकार अडचणीत आलं आहे का? Electrol Bond | Ashish Jadhao
Video by via Dailymotion Source महायुद्ध Live: इलेक्टोरल बॉण्डवरुन सरकार अडचणीत आलं आहे का? Electrol Bond Mahayudha Live with Ashish Jadhao #electrolbond #loksabhaelection2024 #maharashtrapolitics #maharashtranews #lokmat Panelist: आशिष जाधव (Editor) अमेय तिरोडकर / Sr. Journalist रोहित चंदावरकर / Sr. Journalist Subscribe to Our Channel आमचा video आवडल्यास धन्यवाद. Like, Share and Subscribe करायला विसरू…