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Active Record or Sequel: Which Best Fits The Needs of Your Ruby App?
Introducing the Columbia Convening on Openness and AI
We brought together experts to tackle a critical question: What does openness mean for AI, and how can it best enable trustworthy and beneficial AI? On February 29, Mozilla and the Columbia Institute of Global Politics brought together over 40 leading scholars and practitioners working on openness and AI. These individuals — spanning prominent open […]
The post Introducing the Columbia Convening on Openness and AI appeared first on The Mozilla Blog.
The future that never was
Projeto que institui Dia da Democracia entra na pauta do Senado
Video by via Dailymotion Source A senadora Eliziane Gama (PSD) e representantes do Instituto Vladimir Herzog encaminharam em 2023 ao presidente do Senado, Rodrigo Pacheco, o projeto de lei para a oficialização de 25 de outubro como Dia Nacional da Democracia. O projeto entra na pauta do Senado nesta quarta-feira (06). Assista ao Jornal da…