Video by via Dailymotion Source Why GTA 6 Graphics Shouldnt Worry You Go to Source
Try Free Diamond Search Page now for jewelry website.
Get a free Advanced Diamond Search Page and Ring Builder for your WordPress/WooCommerce now.
Creating a Jewelry Website has never been this easier, install the FREE Diamond Search Page now.
For more details, visit the links given below:-
Recently, we have also had a lot of requests from owners of jewelry websites who would like to switch from their current Magento website to Woocommerce in order to simplify operation and lower their cost of ownership.
No ready-to-use migration tool is available. It may be accomplished by carefully rebuilding the Woocommerce website and transferring the image-rich data to the Woocommerce database.
Stay Updated on Moodle’s Development with this edition of our Showcase Shorts – New releases for Workplace, Apps & MoodleCloud and we start our journey towards Moodle LMS 4.4!
Hello Moodlers,
Welcome to this edition of ‘Showcase Shorts’. Since our last update, we have completed both our planning sprint and the first sprint of the last increment of the year… where does the time go?!
This sprint saw the team complete the release of Moodle Workplace 4.3. In case you missed the release announcement, I am relinking it here, it really is worth a read!
Our team also released the 4.3 versions of our Mobile Applications for both Moodle LMS and Moodle Workplace and upgraded our MoodleCloud plans for all new customers to the latest version of Moodle LMS.
If your organisation hasn’t recently upgraded your Moodle implementation, please consider doing so. The new functionality and improved user experience in the most recent version of our products are truly game-changing!
All our teams are now focused on the next steps of delivering our Moodle Product Vision which sees us empowering our users and delivering improvements designed to help them unlock their creativity, help facilitate collaboration and optimise their business & learning outcomes.
We are empowering course creators to unlock their creativity by improving the experience and functionality offered in:
- Assignment Management: We kicked off work that will see us enhance the experience offered via our Assignment activity. To make sure we get this right, we are spending time focused on understanding users’ current pain points, market trends and the technical modernisation opportunities.
- Course Design: We progressed with the delivery of our new course hierarchy functionality which will enhance the flexibility of course formatting.
- Activity Management: We ideated on new options to engage with our activity chooser when creating courses to enhance the functionality it offers and make it easier to use.
We are empowering better collaboration between community members and with Moodle HQ through:
- & our Plugin Directory Ongoing Enhancements: The home of our community improves every sprint!
- New Moodle Development Funding Options: If you are keen to contribute to the development of the Moodle ecosystem in a different way, we’ve got one coming soon with the launch of our new Community Funding Platform! Find out more by watching the video.
We are empowering administrators and developers to optimise their business outcomes by modernising our solution and simplifying platform management in:
- Themes: We have implemented some changes that will provide administrators with better visibility of theme usage on their site and a more user-friendly and efficient way to manage their site’s themes.
- Integration & Support: Our work integrating community contributions continues at pace. We are also working on evolving our support framework. If your Moodle implementation relies on Oracle, make sure to watch this video; we are proposing changes to our support for these databases that you will want to know about.
- Coding Practices: We are getting ready to upgrade to Bootstrap 5, modernising our front-end development capabilities. This is a big change and we have big plans in place to support it.
Until next sprint,
The Moodle Product Team
LostCarPark Drupal Blog: Drupal Advent Calendar day 5 – Admin Navigation
Tue, 12/05/2023 – 07:00
For our fifth door, Cristina Chumillas (ckrina) introduces us to the new Admin Navigation a new admin toolbar (not to be confused with Admin Toolbar), which aims to replace the default admin menu in a future Drupal release.
The new administration navigation has been created to replace core’s default Toolbar. More than 70% of Drupal sites customize it with contrib modules, so it’s clear that it has become obsolete. The new navigation will move most of the existing top toolbar into a left vertical sidebar that we’ve been testing and evolving over the last months. The goal is to provide a more…
Better Mailer Previews — A Rails engine for improved ActionMailer email previews
malloc(3) leak detection gains backtraces
Otto Moerbeek (otto@
), the author of OpenBSD’s
implementation, has
another great feature – backtraces for leak detection:
CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2023/12/04 00:01:45 Modified files: lib/libc/stdlib: malloc.3 malloc.c Log message: Save backtraces to show in leak dump. Depth of backtrace set by malloc option D (aka 1), 2, 3 or 4. No performance impact if not used. ok asou@
original message
to tech@
includes an example use of the feature.