Community, the sixteenth edition of the Free Software Foundation’s
(FSF) conference on ethical technology and user freedom, is open.
Earlier this year, we reported about our progress concerning reproducible
builds. Meanwhile, more and more apps
are using this; you can find some statistics
compared to about 20 apps in November 2022, the number of apps being built
reproducibly went up by almost a factor of 10 to around 191 in September
2023. About 2 out of every 3 apps newly added to F-Droid are using this
path. But what exactly does „reproducible build“ mean, in easy terms and
without all the „tech-buzz“?
All the years before, F-Droid created a dedicated key for each app to sign
the published APKs, but now with reproducible builds F-Droid ships APKs that
are signed by the upstream developer(s). Which proves to you that the
developer confirmed: „this is what I intended to publish, this was built
from my code“. And that it’s distributed by F-Droid tells you: „F-Droid
confirms, too, that this is the APK built from the very code the developer
provided“. So neither of the two could have „sneaked in“ something not
contained in the app’s source code repository.
Verification at F-Droid, again in easy terms, happens this way: the app is
built from the source code on F-Droid’s build servers. Then the
corresponding APK built by the developer is fetched, and compared against
it. The only differences should be the signature files – as the APKs from
the developer was signed using their private key, which F-Droid has no
access to. If this is the case (i.e. the two APKs match), it was proven to
be the very same „binary“ – and F-Droid can distribute the one signed by the
You can find an outline of the process here, and technical details in
this documentation.
A few advantages are pretty clear: higher trust is the first thing coming to
mind, as now two parties (F-Droid and the developer) can both confirm the
integrity of the distributed APK. But there’s more to it. For one, if a
developer has to push out some „emergency update“ (e.g. to fix a security
issue, or something critical was broken) you’d no longer need to wait for a
full build cycle or two to get hold of it. As the APK you’ve installed from
F-Droid was signed using the developers’ private key, you can simply take an
APK they provide you directly by other means (e.g. via the app’s repository
at Codeberg, GitLab or Github) and update to that – provided you trust the
developer enough – which you then must, as such builds are not (yet)
verified by F-Droid.
So are there any „drawbacks“? Why does the header mention „caveats“? Well…
F-Droid now provides APKs it did not sign itself. So what if an app’s source
repo was compromised by a malicious party which then modified the code and
provided their own release, while the original author e.g. was on vacation,
at the hospital or otherwise indisposed? They’d of course sign the APK with
their own private key (as hopefully the original author kept their private
key safe). But that must somehow be considered and dealt with. So meet:
Whenever a reproducible build is established at F-Droid, the hash of the
corresponding developer’s certificate used to sign their APKs is stored
along with the other metadata on F-Droid’s end. The keyword for that in the
Build Metadata is
. So when the developer’s APK is fetched for
comparison, the signature is compared against that:
apksigner verify --print-certs app-release.apk 2>/dev/null
| sed -n 's/^Signer #1 certificate SHA-256 digest: (.*)/1/p'
will give us the SHA-256 hash of the certificate used to sign the
APK. Should it not match, the APK will be rejected – and the build is
considered „failed“. This ensures that F-Droid really only ships the
intended APKs, signed by the proper key – and the above mentioned potential
„malicious party“ cannot easily „sneak in things“. A good security feature
to be used in this context, though it originally was intended for something
What is that you ask? Well: F-Droid is not tied to the single repository
operated by F-Droid itself. Everyone can set up a custom repository. Like
the apps F-Droid distributes, all its code is free and libre, too. One of
the best known third-party repositories probably is the one known as
„IzzyOnDroid Repo“ or „IzzySoft Repo“,
currently providing more than 1,111 apps. There, AllowedAPKSigningKeys
established for all its apps in the first week of August 2023. As this repo
takes its APKs directly from the developers’ repositories instead of
building them from the source code, this extra measure of security is
especially useful – for the reason outlined above: to ensure all updates are
„legit“ (and not placed to the repo by a malicious actor).
So whenever the updater fetches a new APK from the corresponding app’s repo
at Codeberg, GitLab, Github etc., fdroidserver validates it was really
signed with the key of its author. If it was not, it will never be included
in the repository’s index (so it will not be shipped to you and thus cannot
endanger you). Instead, the repo’s maintainer will receive an alert and has
to investigate:
2023-09-01 20:56:25,845 WARNING: "com.example.app_123.apk" is signed by a key that is not allowed:
Which means: Now it’s time to investigate what happened. As the APK will
never reach the index before the new key has been acknowledged by the
repository maintainer, this can be done thoroughly without haste.
Unfortunately, it is. During the process of updating the metadata at the
IzzyOnDroid repository, 26 of the 1105 apps checked encountered that issue:
the signing keys were changed since the first version present. That makes
2.35% of the apps checked. As if that wouldn’t be bad enough, not one of the
following 4 weeks passed without at least one other app encountering that
issue. Making the raw stats: the year has 52 weeks, the repo has 1000+ apps
– with just one app per week, roughly one out of 20 apps (5%) are affected
by this problem at least once!
In each case, the corresponding developer was reached out to so the reason
could be found, and the issue (hopefully) be fixed. You might wonder what
could have caused this, so here are some of the reasons given. All of them
meant, one way or the other:
„Ugh, I lost the signing key…“
In the last two cases, legitimacy was easy to establish by providing the
latest APK in two variants: the very same build, but once signed with the
original, and another with the new key. Thus the two APKs could be compared
similarly to the procedure used with reproducible builds – provided the
original key was not already deleted for being „obsolete“.
It is a good measure to establish AllowedAPKSigningKeys
in your binary
repo for all apps it contains. This issue happens far too often to be
ignored. The apps you distribute must be safe: you have a responsibility
towards the people using your repository. While such updates would be
rejected if the app was already installed on a device („incompatible
signature“), the problem won’t be detected by those installing the app
„freshly“, for the first time. Those must be protected as well.
The good part: in none of the cases, a malicious action was the reason for
the key change. That does not mean it will never be the case – but it’s good
to know we can trust our FOSS developers pretty well.
The bad part: the importance of keeping the keystore safe seems not to be
self-evident enough. We need to raise awareness for this.
The obvious: Make backups! Not just on your development machine. Have
another backup off-device – e.g. on an encrypted thumbdrive stored in a
secure place, on a trustable server/machine elsewhere (with a friend, a
family member, or a cloud service – again, an encrypted backup). And be
sure you know how to restore it. You might not need a Backup Ceremony like
the one the F-Droid team performed – but some measures
should be taken. And no: uploading them to your app’s public git repo is
not a good idea, not even for a backup (don’t laugh, but that happened,
The less obvious: make sure someone/something can „vouch“ for you. Again,
from the cases encountered:
Most important: do not try to simply „cover up“ or „hush up“. This is a
security incident; sweeping it under the carpet just makes you lose trust
entirely. Updates won’t work without uninstall/reinstall, so folks will
notice anyway (except on Google Play Store, which re-signs the APKs). Rather
be transparent about it:
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