xESC 2040 Open Source Brushless (BLDC) Motor Controller Update for OpenMower with Soldering Tutorial
Clemens Elflein Thank you to PCBWay.com for supporting my work on the OpenMower by sponsoring this video! You can get your own PCBs …
Journal of Open Psychology Data Latest Articles
Practically all user activities on a smartphone depend on self-contained software applications, so-called apps. Due to the large number and diversity of available apps, the analysis of app usage behaviour in social science research requires elaborate pre-processing of app data. Therefore, we present a categorisation scheme and a dataset of 3,091 m…
mapping and navigation packages for humble
ROS Answers: Open Source Q&A Forum – RSS feed
what packages can i use to implement mapping in humble? running ubuntu 22.04
What’s the difference between a typical FOSS custom ROM and CalyxOS or GrapheneOS?
I get that the latter is more privacy and security-focused, but how? submitted by /u/demkneesdoe [link] [comments]…
Breaking barriers to make open source work at work | OD116
Microsoft Developer Organizations are increasingly more reliant on open source. From how we communicate, our vehicles, the devices we use daily, …
Intro | About the Controller | Things You Need for Soldering | Soldering How-To | Testing the Board | More Info6 chapters
How to get more GitHub STARS for your Open Source repo as a maintainer
Eddie Jaoude How to make your repo standout and get more stars/forks Ge started with Open Source in 10mins …
Re: CVE-2022-1786: Linux Kernel invalid-free in io_uring
Posted by Kyle Zeng on May 28Hi all, A minimal crashing PoC for CVE-2022-1786 is attached in the email. Kyle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdarg.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <endian.h> #include <errno.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sched.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <signal…
2022: Das Jahr des Linux-Desktops | c’t uplink 43.3

Die Zeit radikaler Umstellungen auf dem Linux-Desktop scheint vorbei. …
MediaPortal – An Open Source Windows Media Center for FREE!
Hi I have a strange problem on one of my clients, when you go to TV some of the last played and favourites are showing a still from some videos I have on the server PC and not the channel logo, on the server using the server client all is OK………………………………………..any thoughts?…
Nuovo accelerometro MEMS di Analog Devices a basso consumo energetico

Analog Devices, azienda leader nelle tecnologie di conversione di segnale, gestione dell’alimentazione, radiofrequenza, piattaforme digitali e sensori, ha presentato un accelerometro MEMS a tre assi pensato per un ampio range di applicazioni medicali e industriali, quali il monitoraggio dei parametri vitali, gli apparecchi acustici ed i dispositivi…
www-zh-cn @ Savannah: Happy 20th Birthday GNU CTT
20 Year ago, May the 28th, GNU Chinese Translators Team was registered at Savannah. I joined the project from Help GNU. My original intention was to support this project and maybe help myself to understand more of GNU. At that time it was only me who worked actively in translating the GNU web pages into Simplified Chinese. I had even had to a…
SystemD Is Being “Forced” Upon Us (Myth Busted!)
DistroTube … AND OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE THAT I USE: Brave Browser – https://brave.com/dis872 📽️ Open Broadcaster Software: …
Faint Image Logger OP Paid Roblox Image Logger Leaked + Open Source
FROBLO_X join the discord to get the image logger i cant post direct download in description because yt takes it down …
Open source low cost Arduino controller with voltage amplifier for 3D printable XYZ Nanopositioner
Edwin Hwu 12 types of open source low cost 3D printable nanopositioners (piezo electric motor, linear actuator), from thumb-size actuator
China Launches Drone Ship That Acts As A Mothership For More Drones
NOSI – Naval Open Source Intelligence™
War Zone – China’s new drone ship is officially designed for ocean research, but has obvious value for the country’s military. …
“Oye Como Va” Played by Carlos Santana & Musicians Around the World

By now, you’re familiar with “Playing for Change,” a multimedia music project that brings together musicians and singers from across the globe–some well known, many others not. Their latest video features Carlos Santana playing “Oye Como Va,” a song he made famous in 1970. He’s joined by Cindy Blackman, Tito Puente, Jr. (whose father …
Docker: An open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
I’m learning Docker, and I want to know the best practices and how to do things. A sample scenario would be like this: I have 1 – nodejs back-end (need to be dockerized) 2 – a PostgreSQL database 3 – a front-end with nodejs (using a different version from the back) What can I do to dockerizing these images in the best way possible? Another e…
Dirty Durbin Deal Attacks Our Supplements

PROTECT OUR DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS Sen. Durbin’s been attacking our supplements for decades! He’s at it again! We need to stop him – again! COUNTERING THE DURBIN/BRAUN DIETARY SUPPLEMENT FALSE ‘TRANSPARENCY’ BILL Act Here Now: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/DurbinDSBill Share this Message: http://www.opensourcetruth.com/dirty-durbin-deal-…
New Open-source Security Initiative Aimed at Supply Chain Attacks | eSecurityPlanet eSecurity Planet…
How to set a static IP address on Debian server
Jack Wallen walks you through the process of giving a standard user sudo privileges so they can set a static IP address on Debian server. Also check out the step-by-step article: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/set-static-ip-address-debian-server/ The post How to set a static IP address on Debian server appeared first on TechRepublic. …