Matt Glaman: Improving Simplytest’s maintainability
Things have been pretty quiet on the Simplytest front. But I want to bring a fresh round of changes that will make it an easier project to maintain.
The Simplytest development workflow
In 2021, I spent time helping Adam Bergstein complete the project’s modernization off of Drupal 7. We migrated the code from a self-managed virtual server owned by Adam to sponsored hosting by on Lagoon.
The Linux Foundation Announces Schedule for WasmCon 2023
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ChromeOS 116 may begin the Lacros browser push to Chromebooks
Latihan Gabungan TNI Dharma Yudha, Rudal-rudal TNI AL Hantam Eks KRI Slamet Riyadi
Video by via Dailymotion Source SITUBONDO, KOMPAS.TV – Sejumlah operasi tempur gabungan digelar dalam puncak Latihan Gabungan TNI Dharma Yudha di Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Puluhan Tank Amfibi Marinir yang turun dari kapal perang melakukan gelar Operasi Amfibi di Pantai Banongan sebelum dimulainya serbuan darat. Setelah tumpuan pantai diamankan, pasukan lintas udara TNI AD diterjunkan dari…
Reportagem mostra gabinete de Zambelli em Brasília; Capez analisa
Video by via Dailymotion Source A deputada federal Carla Zambelli (PL-SP) é alvo de mandados de busca e apreensão cumpridos pela Polícia Federal na manhã desta quarta-feira (02), em Brasília e São Paulo. A operação também tem um mandado de prisão preventiva contra o hacker Walter Delgatti Neto, que já foi preso por vazar mensagens…