psymetadata: An R Package Containing Open Datasets from Meta-Analyses in Psychology
Journal of Open Psychology Data Latest Articles
We present 22 open-source datasets from meta-analyses in psychology. These data span areas such as social, developmental, and cognitive psychology, among others. These datasets are useful for two main purposes: (1) for demonstrative use in the teaching of meta-analysis techniques and (2) the illustration of novel statistical methods in journal art…
Patent trolls vs. the open source community: Open Source Matters
Mattermost Welcome to the 9th edition of Open Source Matters: our regular publication about the latest happenings in open source! Let’s dive …
Pandio’s Managed Trino Now Available on AWS Marketplace
Computer: Linux / GNU “Open Source”
Pandio’s managed open source Trino is a high-end, distributed SQL system for big data technology with state-of-the-art querying infrastructure. (PRWeb June 02, 2022) Read the full story at…
Keynote: THE API IS PEOPLE! – Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source, Cisco
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] Keynote: THE API IS PEOPLE! – Stephen Augustus, Head of Open Source, Cisco We spend a lot of time talking about building …
Keynote: Supporting the Community – So Open Source Projects Can Grow and Thrive – Le Tran
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] Keynote: Supporting the Community – So Open Source Projects Can Grow and Thrive – Le Tran, Member of Technical Staff, …
Re: have to use “open with” to load video and .trz file
Recent Open Source Physics Releases
Open Source Physics Forum: TrackerThread: Tacker hangs when loading video fileAuthor: Gordon JuddDoug,I am using version 6.0.8, and my Java file is at C:\Program Files\Tracler\9.0.4-x64-jre.The startup log shows:TrackerStarter version 6.0.8 10:32:27 Jun 02 2022 – launch initiated by user – TrackerStarter running in jre: C:\Program Files\Tracker\9…

A Guide to Enterprise Open Source
The Linux Foundation Produced in collaboration with LF AI & Data, “A Guide to Enterprise Open Source” offers a practical and systematic approach to …
becoming an open source contributor is impossible or hard?
Shivan how do you segment your day?
The ‘Google of Blockchains’ Is Sunsetting Its Centralized Service – CoinDesk
Linux-Notebook mit AMD Ryzen: HP Dev One von System76 mit 14-Zoll-Display

Der Linux-Hardware-Anbieter System76 stellt ein 14-Zoll-Notebook mit Ryzen-Achtkerner und Pop!_OS in Aussicht….
Vectorized and performance-portable Quicksort

Today we’re sharing open source code that can sort arrays of numbers about ten times as fast as the C++ std::sort, and outperforms state of the art architecture-specific algorithms, while being portable across all modern CPU architectures. Below we discuss how we achieved this.First, some background. There is a recent trend towards columnar databas…
Why you should consider following Shopify’s Ruby investment lead
While Shopify isn’t the only company contributing to Ruby, its approach is somewhat unique and identifies how we all should get more involved in funding open source. The post Why you should consider following Shopify’s Ruby investment lead appeared first on TechRepublic. …
Is open source software more secure than closed? NO (Bruce Schneier)
Changelog From “The Changelog” podcast. Listen Subscribe for more! Apple: …
Creative Commons (pls read the rules) Pool has added a photo to the pool: Utah, USA…
Webinar: Faster than “Lite” Verification Component Development with OSVVM
Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology

Some methodologies (or frameworks) are so complex that you need a script to create initial starting point for writing verification components, test cases, and/or the test harness. SystemVerilog + UVM is certainly like this. There are even several organizations that propose that you use their “Lite” or “Easy” approach. Creating a verification c…
Software Supply Chain Security for Open Source Projects – it’s time to prepare!
JFrog Attacks on the open-source value chain (OS supply chain) are becoming more sophisticated, and we, as software developers, are …
Does Flaresolverr use more CPU/Memory than other Docker containers?
Docker: An open source project to pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container
submitted by /u/TheMaladyLingers [link] [comments]…
Journal of Open Source Software
Federated Learning With OpenFL for Microservices Applications

Ten months ago, I joined the xLabs group, which is an “agile incubation lab” for all kinds of innovative ideas within VMware’s Office of the CTO. I had just completed my PhD in computer science at George Mason University with a focus on Machine Learning, Federated Learning, Multi-task Learning and Deep Learning. As a machine … Continued The pos…
Increase app responsiveness with MongoDB Realm mobile database and AWS Wavelength

This post was contributed by Robert Oberhofer, Senior Director of Technology Partnerships at MongoDB. This blog post introduces MongoDB Realm, and examines its core characteristics and key benefits. While Realm is widely used for building mobile applications, its capabilities are also relevant for other problem spaces, including IoT and Edge. …
Kubecost Launches Open Source Project to Rein in K8s Costs – Container Journal
Kubecost Launches Open Source Project to Rein in K8s Costs Container Journal…
5 Ways to Supercharge Your Data Communications
Stories by ODSC – Open Data Science on Medium

You only get the true value from your data insights if you can communicate them effectively to other people. Visualizing data for communication is not the same as visualizing as part of exploratory data analysis. When you first encounter a dataset, you will probably create a whole bunch of heatmaps, scatter charts, time series charts, and histogra…

submitted by /u/pranay01 [link] [comments] …
Asahi Linux: Freier GPU-Treiber für Apple M1 zeichnet erstmals auf Linux – Open Source Software

Der GPU-Support ist die wohl größte einzelne Aufgabe des Linux-Ports auf Apples M1-Prozessoren. Nun läuft erstmals GPU-Code auf Linux. (Asahi Linux, Mesa) …

Granted a wish to travel back in time, many a Bach lover would leap to Thuringia, in a pre-unified Germany, circa the early 1700s, or to Arnstadt, Mühlhausen, the courts of Weimar and Köthen, or Leipzig. There, Bach composed his concertos, suites, fugues, preludes, canons, chorales, organ works, solo pieces, as well as unique works li…
CVE-2022-1972: out-of-bound write in Linux netfilter subsystem leads to local privilege escalation
Posted by 张子明(明程) on Jun 02Hello, An out-of-bound write vulnerability was identified within the netfilter subsystem which can be exploited to achieve privilege escalation to root. In order to trigger the issue it requires the ability to create user/net namespaces. this vulnerability comes from commit(…
Machiavelli’s The Prince Explained in an Illustrated Film

Niccolò Machiavelli lived in a time before the internet, before radio and television, before drones and weapons of mass destruction. Thus one naturally questions the relevance of his political theories to the twenty-first century. Yet in discussions about the dynamics of power, no name has endured as long as Machiavelli’s. His reputat…
Steam Hardware-Umfrage – Arch Linux nun vor Ubuntu
Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android
Bei den Marktanteilen ist Linux um -0,02 % auf 1,12 % geschrumpft, wobei man das als Messfehler sehen kann. Was allerdings ziemlich interessant ist: Arch Linux hat Ubuntu von der Spitze verdrängt. Interessant ist auch, dass Arch Linux 64-Bit kaum gewachsen, sondern Ubuntu einfach geschrumpft ist. Dem aufmerksamen Leser wird allerdings auffallen, d…
Robot Cloud: la potenza della robotica si unisce al cloud computing

La tecnologia del cloud computing risale ormai a più di vent’anni fa. Il termine cloud, infatti, è stato usato per riferirsi a piattaforme per il calcolo distribuito già nel 1993. Adesso, questa stessa tecnologia, sta plasmando il mondo cibernetico e si evolve come elemento chiave di servizi per la condivisione di risorse, tra cui piattaforme e app…
Fehlerhafter Import von Serien!
MediaPortal – An Open Source Windows Media Center for FREE!
Hallo Leute. Ich bin zur Zeit sehr frustriert. Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen! Aufgrund von Fehlern beim Import von Serien bei MP 1 (nur thetvdb) bin ich endlich auf MP2.4 umgestiegen. In MP 2.x sollte man ja auch andere Scraper verwenden können. Also alles Alte deinstalliert und MP2.4 installiert. Von ungefähr 250 Serien wurde beim ersten…
The Importance of Unmanned Logistics Support For a Transforming Marine Corps
NOSI – Naval Open Source Intelligence™
CIMSEC – Advanced base operations could involve Marines being cut off from sustainment, whether as forces that have been blockaded or forces that have been bypassed by opposing naval forces. Marines will require robust pre-positioned stocks to have enough self-sufficiency to continue the fight in the absence of sustainment, and sustainment assets…
How to Drive High-Value Leads as a TIBCO Partner
TIBCO Jaspersoft – Open Source Business Intelligence Software
How to Drive High-Value Leads as a TIBCO PartnerAnonymous Wed, 06/01/2022 – 15:07 Thu, 06/23/2022 – 11:30 Thu, 06/23/2022 – 12:30 EDT show-date …